"Liverpool are our biggest rivals" count.

LFC-Fans said:
CrownPointBlue said:
Ehm..how can I put this....CNUTS. Every one of 'em...always have been...always will be. Hate the fcukers.

Well thats friendly.

Anyway, Im sure you know but you don't have to worry about us this year. Its Chelsea you have to worry about, they look unstoppable! And if I'm being brutally honest I think they are ahead of you in terms of squad quality. But hey thats just my opinion.

It will most definitely be a two horse race this year.
I think the smart money is on Chelsea though.

Think CPB may have meant United, to be honest. Unless he is an equal opportunity insulter. ;)
Let the wankers be rivals - they deserve each other in the fight to be champions of mediocrity.

I think a lot of this started because not only were we ever in a position to be a threat to them but the vast majority of both Rags and Loserpool fans are from outside of their City. Years of plastic fans supporting "global clubs" meant that they became disasocciated (or never were associated) with their home town and local rivalry was meaningless. Many of these plastics are now working in media circles who try to keep this rivalry alive.
LFC-Fans said:
CrownPointBlue said:
Ehm..how can I put this....CNUTS. Every one of 'em...always have been...always will be. Hate the fcukers.

Well thats friendly.

Anyway, Im sure you know but you don't have to worry about us this year. Its Chelsea you have to worry about, they look unstoppable! And if I'm being brutally honest I think they are ahead of you in terms of squad quality. But hey thats just my opinion.

It will most definitely be a two horse race this year.
I think the smart money is on Chelsea though.

Same as the smart money was on United in 2011/12 and you guys last year. Fine by me.

Btw, I don't think it'll be that long before the rest of the league figures out how to stop Costa. They can watch a video tape of Vinny and Mangala and just copy, copy, copy.
What people don't say is often a lot more telling than what they do.

Talk about denial, the effect we're having on them makes Lord Voldemort look like Don King.
It's almost as if they think that burying their heads in the sand for a while will make us go away.

I don't for a minute believe they actually think that, but over the last few years I have seen a lot of fear coming out of the place as they realise what's really happening and use every dirty trick in the book to try and keep themselves in the media spotlight.

All we have to do is focus on what we have to do. The rest will take care of itself...
Apparently, on their in house TV channel, Liverpool were billing the recent game at our place as being against "their biggest rivals"!

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