Liverpool fans throwing missiles from South Stand Level 3

they are now also equating feed the s kusers with child poverty only.

plenty of them claiming we were laughing about starving children, not that I sing it personally but never once did I think it as such.

I believe they are so entrenched and deluded that this problem with them will never be properly resolved and sadly there will always be incidents where innocent people are caught up in it and injured or worse.

But the joint letter is a complete waste of time imo and has really upset our fans , as it seems that we are being tarred with the same brush as them, which is categorically wrong on a number of counts.

Sure we have idiots but their history of violence goes back so far and has escalated ie the attack on our coach being a serious incident with absolutely nobody charged. I personally believe that the FSG / Klopp allaiance has only made things worse.

Both sets of fans being banned from the away fixtures seems to be the best of the options , although there will always be some who will ignore that too.
I grew up in Liverpool a City fan in to 70s. Their delusion was evident even then. Ask any Everton fan. I used to go the Kop and Goodison evey week with mates and stand on the terraces. Evertonians seemed to share our dark and rye sense of humour. Liverpool fans, flushed with success seemed to be lacking in self awareness. My brother was caught up in the Hillsborough events and witnessed people he knew die. All fans should deplore those events.
But Hysel, Suarez racism and anti competitive practices are a stain on football. They, as a club, have blood on their hands and have shown little remorse. They have stoked and armed their fans against us. Now they are injuring our children. They utilised their media mafia to cover up and shape narratives and been guilty of promoting trumped up charges against us. They are vile. For a 'socialist' club the irony is they are a protected elitist power broker. The sooner the fkrs are brought down to size the better.

Thanks for your post, cuts directly to the problem.
Wasn’t at the match and all of this passed me by until I read bbc article which refused to mention which team the injured supported. Knew straight away who was to blame.
I’ve just read the report of the incident in the daily fail. No, I didn’t buy it; I picked up a copy in Marks.

The following sentence was part of the article: "The missile was thrown from the area of the stadium containing the away supporters.

The sports media in this country are shit-scared of upsetting the scruffy bastards.
they are now also equating feed the s kusers with child poverty only.

plenty of them claiming we were laughing about starving children, not that I sing it personally but never once did I think it as such.
I had a liverpool fan on my facebook page a while back, an old friend who has since departed to the land of foot stompy weirdness and is no longer speaking to me, kicking off after they drew with everton that someone used the term "dipper". getting on his moral high horse about how this is a perfect example of mancunians laughing about the poverty in liverpool and how manchester isn't exactly rich either blah blah blah. katrina took great pleasure in telling him to fuck off and stop being a knob. he took his ball home.
I’ve just read the report of the incident in the daily fail. No, I didn’t buy it; I picked up a copy in Marks.

The following sentence was part of the article: "The missile was thrown from the area of the stadium containing the away supporters.

The sports media in this country are shit-scared of upsetting the scruffy bastards.

The police are looking for a Chelsea fan disguised as a feral Rat.
I totally agree.
However when it comes to throwing things on innocent fans below, not many of us can actually claim complete innocence there.

People that do that are just vermin whoever they are.
I can say categorically that I’ve never lobbed anything over a barrier where there’s people below. I’m sure that’s the case for every decent fan.
How in this day and age with cameras in every inch of grounds can they not find the person/people who threw stuff?

This fixture is becoming too hostile now and there are incidents every game. The best course of action would be to threaten to play it with no fans for a season as a warning.

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