Liverpool Thread 2013/14 (continued)

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Pigeonho said:
jimharri said:
superseiyan said:
Jesus, when did you all get so soft? Banning someone for a dig at your wages in a back and forth trash talk about LFC vs. City? That's RAWK/Redcafe-esque.
When you're a guest in another person's house, you don't piss on their carpets. You want to slag City off; fine. Go to RAWK and do it. You'll find lots of like minded souls on there. I would never consider going onto RAWK and slagging off the Mickeys.
It was hardly a slagging off. Superseiyan is right, too many softies on here. The Liverpool fan even out a little wink on his post. It's not like we don't pay shit loads of wages, too. Whatever happened to a bit of banter?
You're perfectly entitled to your opinion, as is the Liverpool fan. As I am mine. We're obviously not going to agree; so be it.
KentBlue said:
They're going to end up with a record-breaking number of penalties, that's for sure. Fucking breathtaking.
You'd have to go the through them one by one and see which ones were, in your eyes, deserved. They should have had another at OT, for example. It is an unusual amount if pens to gain, but it could just be down to their style of play, fast, fluent and a lot in the box.
mcmanus said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Massive, now we can think about this one properly, they may have the most expensive team in the history of football but we have the Anfield Crowd, the greatest crowd in the history of football, passion trumps money

Oh dear.

I feel sick.
I don't, I feel sorry for the poor ignorant cereus, I'd like to take him to the rome or buenos aires derbies and educate him, then give him some complementary candles from the wholesale business I'm setting up to profit from the boom in the candle sector when we smash them next week.<br /><br />-- Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:17 pm --<br /><br />
Pigeonho said:
KentBlue said:
They're going to end up with a record-breaking number of penalties, that's for sure. Fucking breathtaking.
You'd have to go the through them one by one and see which ones were, in your eyes, deserved. They should have had another at OT, for example. It is an unusual amount if pens to gain, but it could just be down to their style of play, fast, fluent and a lot in the box.
They got the right amount at the swamp pidge their third was a blatant dive.
Pigeonho said:
KentBlue said:
They're going to end up with a record-breaking number of penalties, that's for sure. Fucking breathtaking.
You'd have to go the through them one by one and see which ones were, in your eyes, deserved. They should have had another at OT, for example. It is an unusual amount if pens to gain, but it could just be down to their style of play, fast, fluent and a lot in the box.
Does it depend on whether you count "la liga penalties"? (or dives, as everyone other than BRodge calls them)
superseiyan said:
samharris said:
jimharri said:
<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=14&t=297488&start=1340</a>

They come on here in peace but eventually they show themselves for what they are...

Jesus, when did you all get so soft? Banning someone for a dig at your wages in a back and forth trash talk about LFC vs. City? That's RAWK/Redcafe-esque.

who wants you banned?? I dont.. I just wish you'd show your cards from the off so we know where we stand..

Everyone on here knows Im a twat so It doesnt bother me if people call me one..hey ffs Its football banter and if I couldnt take it I wouldnt give it...
Trouble is that many on here can get sensitive,its how they are..
I prefer being a twat cos if no-one takes you seriously... method madness n'all that.
BigOscar said:
Pigeonho said:
KentBlue said:
They're going to end up with a record-breaking number of penalties, that's for sure. Fucking breathtaking.
You'd have to go the through them one by one and see which ones were, in your eyes, deserved. They should have had another at OT, for example. It is an unusual amount if pens to gain, but it could just be down to their style of play, fast, fluent and a lot in the box.
Does it depend on whether you count "la liga penalties"? (or dives, as everyone other than BRodge calls them)
BRodge. Lol!
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