Liverpool Thread 2013/14 (continued)

FantasyIreland said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Anyway - good news.

Brenda is about to sign a new 4-year deal apparently according to The Telegraph. Plus he'll be given significant funds, hopefully to be spent on the sort of dross he bought last summer.

But he didn't sign anyone last summer.....


Kolo, perhaps?
Vienna_70 said:
foetus said:
mac said:
Tbf he was saying that it would be city that would win these if brenda was offered a 4 yr deal.
Was he? I was skimming through rawk to kill the last 5 mins of work. Didn't read thoroughly.

I think mac's post was very tongue-in-cheek!
oh, well I feel like an idiot
M18CTID said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
We'll be having these next season, oily underserving moneybag cheating shite. Fucking hate that they're going to win it. I seriously despise them and Chelsea almost as much as the Mancs. Bastard c*nts...they've just ruined the integrity of the competition, like Chelsea did.

Oh injury? Here's another 400 million quid. Go on buy Adebayor, Jo, Santa Cruz, no no, please also buy Joleon Lescott for 25 million. Fucking c*nts. Fuck off. Oh Aguero's broken his little toe? No Manuel, don't get your moppy hair in a friz, don't worry he's another 50 m for Negredo and Jovetic. Jovetic who? The 25 million quid player whose been wiping Dzeko's arse with his giant nose this season. Fucking c*nts.

I just want to see some sanctions for 1 season on this shite club. Lets see how many of them c*nts are banging on about Toure's and Kompany's undying love for the club whose name they hadn't heard until the wads of cash were flocked in their face and made Manchester fucking City their dream club.


Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! It's posts like that that make me hope that not only do we continue to "ruin football" for ever more, but also hope that it fucking ruins the **** that posted it and leaves his world in fucking tatters. Let's see him try saying that in a pub full of City fans rather than from behind the safety of mummy's keyboard and see how far he gets the fucking shithouse.

This is the very reason why so many football fans detest MANUre and The Dippers, and not just City fans. If they are like this when things are going belly-up, what are they gonna be like when they win summat? We know MANUre are the world's worse losers and the world's worst winners. Liverpool are challenging on that front. It's a toss up which of the two sets of fans are more detestable.
Prestwich_Blue said:
VinceYoungisaBLUE said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
I could laugh and poke fun at all those wankers in that arsenal gif all day, still can't take much delight in the liverpool one though. Just look like normal guys to me who are all devastated and heartbroken after watching their side look so good and push so far only before dramatically collapsing. I think there's only rags I could take pleasure in seeing that happen

"I don't believe this" is what the bloke in the middle appears to say. We've all been there! Give the guy a break.

Thats how I feel. It makes me sad to see people with personal attacks.
It's called banter. And I might feel sorry for other fans in that situation if it hadn't been for all their entitlement, gloating and triumphalism, not to mention the bitterness directed at us. Well they've fucked up big time and they'd better believe it.


Fuck the scouse pricks. I hope they get beat 8-0 and Suarez goes to Madrid.
Like the rags, a club followed by plastic cunts from around the globe who have never even set foot in Liverpool, never mind fucking Anfield.

Some fucker find a dead chicken foetus up a back alley and quick so they can think of something other than us for 5 mins!
Damocles said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
VinceYoungisaBLUE said:
Thats how I feel. It makes me sad to see people with personal attacks.
It's called banter. And I might feel sorry for other fans in that situation if it hadn't been for all their entitlement, gloating and triumphalism, not to mention the bitterness directed at us. Well they've fucked up big time and they'd better believe it.


Fuck the scouse pricks. I hope they get beat 8-0 and Suarez goes to Madrid.
Which will lead to more banter >:)
They brought it on themselves, they fucking deserve it, far more than everyone else deserved to have to listen to their prattling and triumphalism for months.
There's a massive advertising poster of Gerrard just up the road from me, might have some fun with that.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Love the Pulis snigger!

Just found this doing the rounds on Twitter.

It's not just me, this is the single stupidest f***ing thing they've produced in a while right?

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