Liverpool Thread 2014/15

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TGR said:
Allendintiers said:
Liverpool are doing what Spurs did last season. Selling an iPhone and buying a pager, a phone, a fax machine, a camera and a pen to replace it.

An excellent analogy

It would be, except that our Pellers prefers a squad with quality parts, rather than one or two stars so he would take the pager, fax machine etc over the iphone! An orchestra rather than a CD player!

I agree though, Liverpool are deluded if they think they are better this season than last. They had a good season last season but it was down to the low number of games they had. Looking at their squad, an injury to Sterling or Sturridge and they will be screwed. They needed to add to last seasons side, keeping their best players. They've let their best player leave and added players who know the league but have little to no experience in Europe. Most of their current squad has little experience anyway.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
stony said:
RAWK as ever is a source of never ending amusement.

First Liverpool gobshite said:
Can someone with an understanding of their finances please explain how they've managed to bypass FFP (again) to hand new improved deals to several of their star players while also adding to the wage bill with 5-6 new players?! In no way does this look kosher

Second Liverpool gobshite said:
I've got no doubt all these new contracts are being handed out to get them restructured in a way to get around FFP.

Third Liverpool gobshite said:
once again their owner with his dirrty tricks

wish all the oil rich bastards just fuck off from football...attention seeking bastards showing up with their undeserved money

I love Liverpool fans. The jealousy, the bitterness, the lack of basic intelligence and the sheer hypocrisy. It never gets stale.
It's beautiful, isn't it? You can feel their pain oozing out of every pore. The 'dirty tricks' one in particular.

Some head of academy bloke just been banging on about the Liverpool way youth etc bringing them through then uses sterling as an example ffs!!
Has kelly gone yet wasn't he a bright hope once ?
mrtwiceaseason said:
Some head of academy bloke just been banging on about the Liverpool way youth etc bringing them through then uses sterling as an example ffs!!
Has kelly gone yet wasn't he a bright hope once ?

Which first team players have come through their academy? Or is he talking about players coming through Southampton's academy?
Gerrard ages ago

Think they are only squad members who they have brought through
Rest are expensive buys
hertsblue said:
Gerrard ages ago

Think they are only squad members who they have brought through
Rest are expensive buys
I would say £500,000 for a 15 year old plus add ones was pretty expensive 4 years ago from QPR
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