Liverpool Thread 2014/15

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Wouldnt be suprised if they fucked breandan off this summer, hope they dont cause its funny seeing them fail. Sterling looks like he's had enough, can see him moving down sarf though.
Loaded Man said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Marvin said:
I was relying on LFC to keep Utd out but Rodgers has alienated LFC's biggest asset and exploded their season.

He messed up last season as well by allowing expectations to get ridiculously out of hand.

Lucky for them that FFP is to be relaxed. Seriosly if that had stayed in place it would have been very bleak for LFC. Ironic that this was hailed as good news for City when the biggest beneficiaries are likely to be LFC who can spend big to get back when FFP would have seen them banned had they tried to do that
Liverpool won't spend big. They're owned by American investors who don't seem to have actually put any money into the club. It's all loans. They thought they'd be clever and introduce the so-called Moneyball system, where they buy undervalued assets to get success on the cheap and turn a profit.

Liverpool are more valuable now than when they bought them and as soon as they've got the 5 year loan for the stadium expansion back, they'll be off.


FFP suited FSG down to the ground – it meant there was a ready-made excuse for them not to put any of their own money into the club.

A ‘win’ for American investors in English football is not having a team out on the pitch challenging for trophies - it’s achieving return on their investment in the form of profit. Baffled as to why anyone thinks otherwise, to be honest.

Regarding Sterling, then people would be naïve to think that the club hasn’t been at least partly responsible for drip feeding the media with some of these stories of ‘greed’ in order to suit their own agenda – not that Sterling’s camp isn’t culpable too in this sorry mess though, of course.

The club is run by successful, unscrupulous business men - oh, and Ian Ayre – Sterling (like Suarez) is a commodity that FSG will look to ‘trade’ as and when they can maximise their profit on him – if that is deemed to be this summer then he’ll be sold this summer, if it’s next summer then that’s when he’ll go – they’ll then invest the money in other ‘up and coming’ commodities that they will again hope to cash in on when their stock is at its highest.

The accompanying ‘noise’ around it all is just to appease the masses and keep the Liverpool ‘brand’ alive, so that the LFC ‘family’ / tourists / social misfits that turn up at Anfield from fuck knows where on their once in a lifetime trip every couple of weeks keep turning up, keep spending their money in the club shop and keep buying into everything that is good about the club in 2015 – which is not fucking much at this moment in time, to be absolutely honest.

Cracking post. Good to get a balanced viewpoint from a Liverpool fan.

I've long held the view that Liverpool have missed a huge trick and should've sorted the stadium issues many many years ago - long before the current or previous American owners pitched up at Anfield. If you'd found a way to expand the ground way back in the early 1990's then I think you could've kept close to United in terms of revenues and success. At the time that United were just starting to get it together under Ferguson, both clubs were pretty much neck and neck in terms of size and stature. However, while success on the pitch helped United grow further, they also had the vision to exploit their global support base when it came to merchandising and that was something else Liverpool appeared to be slow to pick up on.
Wreckless Alec said:
As a Spurs fan pointed out on the radio this morning, the time to question his loyalty was when he left QPR for£600k to join Liverpool.
Exactly. The kid whom they made the highest paid teenager in English football, now wants to be the highest paid 20year old in English football - and they are in shock?
mad4city said:
Wreckless Alec said:
As a Spurs fan pointed out on the radio this morning, the time to question his loyalty was when he left QPR for£600k to join Liverpool.
Exactly. The kid whom they made the highest paid teenager in English football, now wants to be the highest paid 20year old in English football - and they are in shock?

Is that right they made him highest paid team after cherry picking him from QPR. Well bloody hell, it would probably be a let down if they were not outraged. I have 30min to kill so a trip to rawk is in order it seems.
Posted it in the Sterling thread but the discussion seems to merge so I'll leave it here as well. Sterling hasn't tweeted for a while, his last tweet is below. I'm not sure how much clearer he can make it for the Scousers. He's off.

If you want to know me listen to this song tells you everything about me....

They wanna hold you back, tell 'em pee off
Whenever they say you can't, take the "t" off

Imagine you was the one, that couldn't get a look in
Couldn't get a booking
Couldn't get a push in when you needed a shove
Or your buttons they be pushing
So now they tryna shush him
It's only you believing in you
They turn you into a bastard the moment you rude
Attitude a little out of tune
But that's how champions move
Yeah so go and get it in sonny
Not everybody gets a second chance at getting money
Or even getting lucky
So you gotta feel the hunger in your tummy

No-one wants to help
I guess you're on your own
Build a foundation with the bricks they throw
In a black and white world, true colors show
Change if you want, everybody grows
Life's like an eel, but try and get a hold
Opinions ain't facts, take em and let em go
I hope every single player in the world is watching what that sick club and its fans are doing to Sterling, painting him as a greedy mercenary and publicly flogging him because he thinks he is worth what he is worth.

That's your famous scouse loyalty for you, you pricks. Disgusting, odious excuse for a football club. I hope they go bankrupt.
mad4city said:
Wreckless Alec said:
As a Spurs fan pointed out on the radio this morning, the time to question his loyalty was when he left QPR for£600k to join Liverpool.
Exactly. The kid whom they made the highest paid teenager in English football, now wants to be the highest paid 20year old in English football - and they are in shock?
spot on.

And big brenda can shut his big hypocritical mouth too: when loserpool came for him at swansea offering a pay rise and a bigger club to match his ego, i didn,t see brenda say no, i am happy at swansea and i dont want a pay rise.

the hypocrisy shown by managers in particular in transfer negotiations makes me sick.Look at Moyes- takes the club captain and player of the year Lescott from Wolves...a step up and a pay rise..then has a real go when City come calling, drip feeding the media with tales of the players disloyalty and making out City are some force for evil....

Then when utd come calling for wee david, he drops everton like a stone , for a step up and a pay rise..just like Lescott did.

Why folk have it in for Sterling i do not know- why should he be " loyal" to a club who took him from qpr reserves...if l;iverpool over stretch themselves on this new stand being built with no chumps league football..they would be looking around for players to to sell to raise funds....sterling , would be out weather he liked it or not....think City and Swp a few years ago..

And for any lurking liverpool fans, dont think your time at the top is guaranteed...look at leeds utd, look at sheff wed with their 50,000 capacity ground and their spectacular fall from can could well be said that liverpools fall from 2nd position to a probable 5th/6th is already a spectacular fall from grace, only the deluded would not see the alarming signs of a team in free-fall...Sterling has every right to think of himself..his current manager and many many others before him have done exactly the same , but appear to have very short memories.

hypocritical bastards.
dennishasdoneit said:
mad4city said:
Wreckless Alec said:
As a Spurs fan pointed out on the radio this morning, the time to question his loyalty was when he left QPR for£600k to join Liverpool.
Exactly. The kid whom they made the highest paid teenager in English football, now wants to be the highest paid 20year old in English football - and they are in shock?
spot on.

And big brenda can shut his big hypocritical mouth too: when loserpool came for him at swansea offering a pay rise and a bigger club to match his ego, i didn,t see brenda say no, i am happy at swansea and i dont want a pay rise.

the hypocrisy shown by managers in particular in transfer negotiations makes me sick.Look at Moyes- takes the club captain and player of the year Lescott from Wolves...a step up and a pay rise..then has a real go when City come calling, drip feeding the media with tales of the players disloyalty and making out City are some force for evil....

Then when utd come calling for wee david, he drops everton like a stone , for a step up and a pay rise..just like Lescott did.

Why folk have it in for Sterling i do not know- why should he be " loyal" to a club who took him from qpr reserves...if l;iverpool over stretch themselves on this new stand being built with no chumps league football..they would be looking around for players to to sell to raise funds....sterling , would be out weather he liked it or not....think City and Swp a few years ago..

And for any lurking liverpool fans, dont think your time at the top is guaranteed...look at leeds utd, look at sheff wed with their 50,000 capacity ground and their spectacular fall from can could well be said that liverpools fall from 2nd position to a probable 5th/6th is already a spectacular fall from grace, only the deluded would not see the alarming signs of a team in free-fall...Sterling has every right to think of himself..his current manager and many many others before him have done exactly the same , but appear to have very short memories.

hypocritical bastards.

Wow, if that doesn't sum up that sad and pathetic club nothing will. Great post.
Had a good laugh last night reading RAWK after this one broke.

A thing that kept popping up was "now he'll be nothing more than another SWP/Pennant/Rodwell".

Would someone like to list the trophies all 3 have? I'm sure Rodwell has more Premier League medals than their beloved Stevie G, SWP won plenty at Chelsea and had a solid career and I'm pretty sure but not certain that Pennant won a title at Arsenal and at the very least played in some Wembley finals for Stoke and possibly Birmingham?

Nothing wrong with any of those 3 lads careers to date, and Sterling's probably said well if they can fail to reach the heights and win trophies, what could I do?
Liverpool FC.......

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