Liverpool thread 2017/18

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I don't think the club knew people would be throwing things at the coach.That was random.

Also I do think you guys are over exaggerating the incident.
No one on YOUR side was hurt.
It wasnt pretty.
So your bus was thrown at with cans and bottles. but come on theres no need to cry a river about it. The real shameful stuff going on here is Pep making an analogy to the bomb attack on the Dortmund bus, after blaming random Anfield employees...

It's almost like they're the victims and it wasn't their fault.
I wrote to the Mayor of greater Manchester last weekend asking him to speak to the Mayor of liverpool and the chief constable of Merseyside Police
I don't need to inform you of the outcome

Maybe the question should be how many cops man hours have been used in the investigation. I would imagine that would be close to zero.
Might be an idea to declare Sheikh Mansoor on team coach next season. As a member of foreign Royalty he is entitled to hi own armed escort - this could include several tanks and armoured vehicles with mounted rail guns (all armed personnel obviously having diplomatic immunity) - so much as a breath in the wrong direction = major diplomatic incident... oh wait they would still be the victims.
They really are a bizarre bunch. I used to hate Carla Lane's Bread on TV, but in many ways it captured them perfectly. Some scroungers. Some batty. Some writing shit poetry. All self-congratulatory and sanctimonious.

Years ago I worked with a Scouser. In some ways quite a nice lad, just a bit strange around the edges. Anyway, anything bad in Liverpool (according to him) was down the the "scallies". He never condemned them, though. Instead he found these "scallies" a source of wry amusement, like they were small, badly behaved kids and he was their dad.

I think that attitude explains a lot. You know, after Hillsborough, and especially after the truth of Hillsborough came out, there was massive sympathy for LFC fans around the country. The could have built on that in a positive way. Instead they have said, in effect "stuff your sympathy" and spat in our faces, preferring reenactments of the 1970s and 1980s.

I have a feeling that when they next come to Manchester, they might find themselves reenacting the Claremont Road experience of that era.
A old, (and he now is) mate of mine is a scouser, and he summed up the mawkish mindset they have as a collective.
As a kid, when an aunt, grandad, or whoever, finally gave up the ghost and went up to the great dole office in the sky,
the skriking and wailing from the family, neighbours, and all and sundry went on, literally, for around a fortnight.
He said his relatives, and these people, seemed to take some kind of morbid pleasure in grief expression, booze fuelled
funerals were events of great import, whoever it was that had jossed it, with everyone vying for supremacy in the
grief stakes.
When we see recent antics of people from here, he says that nothing surprises him, this self flagellating and exaggerated
expression of victimhood is in built into their psyche. He went away to sea very young, and when he came back, like many
of his kind, he quit Liverpool, and has been glad of his decision ever since.
Do you not think all this whining about Liverpool’s antics is a bit hypocritical when you guys did the exact same thing to the United bus only a few years earlier?

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