Liverpool thread 2017/18

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The Dipper has gone guys,he overstayed his welcome

(by some fucking distance.....)

Well done he had to be on a wind up surely no one could be that deluded! Mind you... on second thoughts I do believe they are, I have just seen that nauseating video!
"They have a manager, we have a guardian"

Oh dear
I laughed at that too.

"They have supporters, we are a family" What so they themselves as fans are more "magical" too now?

"We are Liverpool, this means more" uggh where to begin with that?

It's as I said, a self indulgent wankfest of their own making and they should be ridiculed for it. Also maybe it's me but the timing of this given events in the last fortnight along with some of the choices of statements makes it look like "they" = City, I suppose we just walked the league leaving them in dust with everyone else and are the ones to beat but come on... get a grip Liverpool!

There are even follow up posts to that tweet saying "City couldn't make something like this"... again showing who a lot of it is probably aimed at, or else why would they automatically mention City? There's increasingly clear signs of rag like embitterment towards City in recent years, yet they always deny it's there. Secondly for years Liverpool fans have been all over City's youtube channel stating how envious they are of the content and Liverpool have obviously tried to emulate a lot of what they do(as have other clubs to be fair) which tells you who's got the better people in place, so to that I say: "they emulate, we lead" sorry I couldn't resist that one.

I suppose they will point to the embarrassment that is "clap your hands for City" but that had to have been outsourced edit: Upon further reading it was produced by one of our sponsors(Etisalat = Emirates Telecommunications Company) as a congratulations, of which our media team had no control or involvement, I hope.
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I don't think the club knew people would be throwing things at the coach.That was random.

Also I do think you guys are over exaggerating the incident.
No one on YOUR side was hurt.
It wasnt pretty.
So your bus was thrown at with cans and bottles. but come on theres no need to cry a river about it. The real shameful stuff going on here is Pep making an analogy to the bomb attack on the Dortmund bus, after blaming random Anfield employees...

What a complete bell end you are and the epitome of everything wrong about your club and its fanbase
If the Scousers want to have a minutes silence every week in memory of Hillsborough, then thats fine by me. Something like that should never be forgotten. I was only about 9 but can remember the pictures of fans climbing over the fences.
You would then think the Scousers, having first hand experience of how things can go drastically wrong at football matches, would behave absolutely impeccably. They just don't give a fuck. It was not just the coach business but them then also sitting enmasse in our ends for the return leg. They could have caused absolute murders. Yet the selfish bastards were only interested in themselves.
So, in summary, you are saying that it isn't your fault. Well who would have guessed.

"What can I do" you ask, rhetorically. You ask rhetorically because it is obvious that you yourself think the answer is that you can't do anything. So lets have a look at what you have tried to do. Have you for instance called out these people on Rawk or any other Liverpool forum? Have you sent your footage of the missile attack to the police if you were there? Have you written to Merseyside police to complain about the lack of arrests while Merseyside police officers watched criminal acts being committed and did nothing to stop them? Did you say before the attack that it would be completely out of order for the bus to be attacked? Did you complain that the messages doing the rounds on social media before the game were obvious incitements to attack City's team coach? Have you said on any forum or platform that the people whose attach left the City coach unsafe to drive have no place amongst Liverpool supporters? Have you asked the club to take action against the supporters that attacked an opposition team coach? Have you said to the club that there is a sizeable number of LFC fans whose disgusting behaviour is something you no longer wish to tolerate, and it is high time they were rooted out?

You see, these are the sorts of things you and many many other LFC supporters would have done, if you actually wanted your club to get rid of the feral scum element of its support. If that's what you wanted, you would have made the club aware of the fact that that's what you want them to do. And all the other decent LFC fans out there would have done the same thing, because if the club realise that a large number of its own fans have had enough, it might actually do something about it. The more people complain about something, the more likely it is that something will get done.

But you haven't. Neither you personally nor LFC nor its supporter base generally has actually lifted a fucking finger to rid the club of the nasty sizeable criminal element of its support or to bring to justice those who thought throwing missiles at a coach was an acceptable way to behave. And you never will. So in a few months time, you will be back here bleating that the latest atrocity featuring Liverpool fans, because there will be another one sooner or later, isn't actually that bad, or the club has apologised so we should all just move on, or it wasn't actually that bad and people shouldn't exaggerate, or it simply isn't your fault.

Because that's what you do, isn't it?

Great post mate and if they try anything similar with the Roma coach, I think the next tragedy you allude to might occur sooner rather than later as the Roma fans will take no prisoners on the return leg
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