Liverpool thread 2020/21

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I think it had more to do with spuds stinking the stadium out to be honest. They could string 2 passes together half the time.

Had son not been offside for the goal it may have been a different story

But spurs were woeful, didnt really see much improvement from the dippers
Just seen Sons disallowed goal. Technically yes but so far away from goal and so early in the move .The game has gone down the pan and well on its way along the soil pipe.
I remember before the all-seater stadiums how dodgy it was being in a packed crowd. The sway when a goal was scored, the pushing and climbing on each other to get a better view of a corner or a free kick, and the often cramped conditions that were dangerous at times. And this was going on all around the country. The atmosphere was amazing though and I loved it. I guess it is one of those things about being young as I would never want to do it again now. Leave me in my nice seat now moaning about Toffees ha ha.
As others have said, besides my old man taking me to Anfield and sitting with him the main stand at first to graduating up to the paddock and then the Kop, it was as much the atmosphere and the banter at games that made it something you just had to experience.
The blokes kicking a ball about then sometimes adds pleasure to it, but then there is also somethign about that feeling when you lose, hoping for better days.
The whole pissing outside the toilets brings back bad memories recall my first time at Wembley. League Cup Final in 1978, the rows of old wooden benches and then being horrified at the sea of piss all around the concourse near the toilets. From then on it was always a case of holding it until you got out the ground.
As to fighting I guess I was lucky, only ever coming close to that away at West Ham in the late 80's. That despite spending a couple of seasons going to the Old Den frequently when living round that way.
That said, you always knew there were those about eager for a scrap
Here’s the footage but it will be deleted soon.

“This event could bury the painful memories of a year ago in Brussels”

Of all the things said about 39 innocent people dying at a game at the hands of these scrotes they thought the world would forget because of a FA cup Mersey derby. The world hasn’t forgot but it’s true the memories are buried.

You can see the charge at the turnstiles.

I started playing senior (over 35's) football a couple of years ago. The group was a mixture of rags, blues, LFC, EFC, even Brighton and Stoke
When Liverpool were confirmed champions in the summer, there was a discussion via the WhatsApp group chat on the wankers who set fire to the liver building and the town hall
If you remember, journalists even said it was a stray firework and absolved them of any blame, even though a video showed them deliberately firing the fireworks at those buildings
I had a right go at the Lfc supporters and said every club has their share of dickhead supporters but they have a huge feral element which consistently gets away with it and why is it "never their fault "
Straight away I was jumped on for disrespectful comments on the Hillsborough families!
However I received this private message from one LFC lad

I am sure those Liverpool fans aren’t the only bellends that follow clubs. But I have seen this sort of thing with LFC fans before. In Barcelona and Basel and at the parade last year. They think they can do whatever they want and won’t get punished and the Club need to call it out because it is getting out of hand and giving us a bad name and rightly so. I was in the seats above the pens at Hillsborough and saw what happened. I also had to get through the pissed up thousands outside with no tickets trying to force their way in. My take on Hillsborough is a bit different from the majority of Liverpool fans and not that popular. There was blame on all sides but the avoidance of accountability and the length of time to get to the truth is the shameful part and you have to respect the families and Dalglish for fighting to get justice. It was tragic and a tragedy. The new generation of fans need to respect the memory of the 96 and act accordingly rather than using it as an excuse to justify their perceived victim status which they wear as a badge. Rant over.
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You are so right.there are are several historic perspectives that relate to the Scousers that I dont agree with and should I post views online, would probably cause me to be arrested. You all know what I am talking about. I will mention three terms..Heysel Hillsborough Liverpool..Lived in Leeds and went to school in Bradford when that tragedy occured..that was an accident.
I started playing senior (over 35's) football a couple of years ago. The group was a mixture of rags, blues, LFC, EFC, even Brighton and Stoke
When Liverpool were confirmed champions in the summer, there was a discussion via the WhatsApp group chat on the wankers who set fire to the liver building and the town hall
If you remember, journalists even said it was a stray firework and absolved them of any blame, even though a video showed them deliberately firing the fireworks at those buildings
I had a right go at the Lfc supporters and said every club has their share of dickhead supporters but they have a huge feral element which consistently gets away with it and why is it "never their fault "
Straight away I was jumped on for disrespectful comments on the Hillsborough families!
However I received this private message from one LFC lad

I am sure those Liverpool fans aren’t the only bellends that follow clubs. But I have seen this sort of thing with LFC fans before. In Barcelona and Basel and at the parade last year. They think they can do whatever they want and won’t get punished and the Club need to call it out because it is getting out of hand and giving us a bad name and rightly so. I was in the seats above the pens at Hillsborough and saw what happened. I also had to get through the pissed up thousands outside with no tickets trying to force their way in. My take on Hillsborough is a bit different from the majority of Liverpool fans and not that popular. There was blame on all sides but the avoidance of accountability and the length of time to get to the truth is the shameful part and you have to respect the families and Dalglish for fighting to get justice. It was tragic and a tragedy. The new generation of fans need to respect the memory of the 96 and act accordingly rather than using it as an excuse to justify their perceived victim status which they wear as a badge. Rant over.
Brilliant post.
The paragraph from your LFC mate sums it up perfectly.
I've met some decent pool fans down the years and every club has it's wankers but I've encountered a far bigger proportion of bellends that follow LFC than any other club.
If I had family who died at Hillsborough I would be very bitter and angry at the cover up and would fight like hell for them.
Equally there has been a complete whitewash of the behaviour of an element of their support.
There is a mountain of evidence of their appalling behaviour before and after that tragic day so based on the balance of probability I would conclude that an element of their support contributed to events that day even if the contribution wasn't a huge percentage.
Most of the blame lies with the authorities and it was disgusting that they tried to lie their way out of it but for the enquiry to totally exonerate an element of their fans is laughable in my opinion and I would strongly suggest that the majority of fans of other clubs would say the same if asked.
The people who died were genuine fans who turned up early to watch the game but you'll never convince me that an element of pissed up fans, many ticketless turning up late wasn't a factor.
RIP the 96 and lessons have been learned but let's not pretend that LFC have failed to call out their less savoury element and are condoning their poor behaviour with their continued silence.
Not a chance it will be reported that way if we do.
It will be all about the dippers injuries and that we were just lucky to play them when they were down...
Do you really care how the media report it? What matters is what we think and feel. My brother thinks I consume a skewed narrative going on this forum rather than a varied media output (do me a favour bro, the English media???)
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