Liverpool thread 2020/21

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I'm still here, and have been before those 2 wins....but I get your drift.

Still not convinced by our performances and think that they are as much a result of managers/teams not really having confidence enough to go for the jugular.
In the last meeting I did think, as has been said, that we ran out of steam and were there to be taken if Pep had really gone for it. If City go for it next week as much as I hate to say it, I can see only one winner, particularly if Origi & Shaq start.
Phillips is too slow, Williams I have little confidence in and Henderson is not the same quality as Fabinho or Fernandinho when dropping back. God knows what this Davies fella is like if we do go in for him.
But 7 points behind I think Klopp has to be positive and try and get something but against Dias/Stones that is going to be some job.
Certainly gonna be a tense Sunday afternoon for me next weekend
And fair play,what i meant by 'disguise' was pricks signing up pretending to be City fans & generally trying to gloat & shit stir,they stand out like a bull dogs bollocks
Red and White kop:-

6 of the players on City's bench for today's game:

Mendy £52m
Stones £50m
Sterling £50m
Rodri £62m
Mahrez £60m
Cancelo £30m

Total = £304m

Total value of Sheffield Utd entire squad = £155m

Team at the top have spent considerable more than the team at the bottom shock!
Well according to Deloitte this week they have higher revenues than us. It's not our fault JW Henry chooses to line his own pockets instead of investing in the LFC squad. What was the value of the Burnley team that stuffed them at Anfield last week? Their support has no self awareness at all. Is it our fault they didn't win the League for 30 years?
I didn't start going the match until 1996, so unlike my mum I never got to experience standing. I'm claustrophobic, it would have been hell. I've had panic attacks in moshpits and Hillsborough is pure nightmare fuel for me. Hell, I had a panic attack the one time I saw City (Crystal Palace a couple of seasons ago, a mate sold me his ticket) because of the crowds at the Metrolink. If I ever go there again, I'll walk into town and then get the tram home.

I hate fighting at matches. Partly because I'm a small disabled woman and I'd be useless in a fight, partly because beating someone up because they support a different team just doesn't make any sense to me. Liverpool supporters might annoy the piss out of me but I have no interest in physically harming them.
Great post - it is great when you can have a decent chat with opposition supporters and you normally find some common ground. I would happily chat to you and Toffeedude over a pint about topics such as were Wayne Clark and Adian Heath ever decent strikers and what Everton fans think of Kendall's second stint at the club.
Why should clubs not have cash injections from rich owners? They are, after all, a business. I see nothing wrong with City being bought and turned into a major force. In fact, I was delighted by it as Liverpool. Man Utd, and Arsenal was becoming boring. It was good to see more competition. It was very noticeable and not surprising to see which sets of fans have moaned the most. Green eyes appear when you have had everything on a plate then suddenly the new kid on the block appears and starts taking some of your glory. Chelsea got it in the neck and were accused of all kinds when they had the nerve to start winning trophies, now City are the bad boys to the media darlings. But take it as a compliment as it means you are doing well and miffing a few off along the way. I hope the 'Uncle Usmanov' stories are true and we end up bankrolled and have a chance to win things. I would not give two flying fecks if any rich buyer took us on and gave us silly money. Bring it on I say. You City fans keep on cheering on your team of winners. I hope you grab that league title back.

It amazes me how fans of certain clubs will brag about income, sponsors, merchandise, etc etc. Then start crying because another team has an owner with a few bob to spare. It comes across as very bitter and childish. Something about Dummies and prams springs to mind!

Keep up the good work City
After everything they went through in the '90s, and considering how much I hate Man United, I can't begrudge City their success. Not least because it's nice to see the shoe on the other foot after years of United dominance.

I don't remember much of Kendall's second stint but his third was depressing. It was apparently why Gary Speed left - Speed's departure caused a lot of bitterness and hate towards him because nobody knew exactly why he'd left and thought he was just being greedy when the truth was more complicated.
Bloody hell that Klopp piece is spot on. If Ancelotti or Silva - or Guardiola - had behaved like he did and sent out a scratch team to play while the main team go on hols, they'd be bashed to hell and back. I mean, Pep is a grumpy old bastard as well but Klopp definitely has a nasty streak. Like when he had a go at that translator. Not so different from a certain other foreign manager I could mention, who is NOT a media darling.
I didn't start going the match until 1996, so unlike my mum I never got to experience standing. I'm claustrophobic, it would have been hell. I've had panic attacks in moshpits and Hillsborough is pure nightmare fuel for me. Hell, I had a panic attack the one time I saw City (Crystal Palace a couple of seasons ago, a mate sold me his ticket) because of the crowds at the Metrolink. If I ever go there again, I'll walk into town and then get the tram home.

I hate fighting at matches. Partly because I'm a small disabled woman and I'd be useless in a fight, partly because beating someone up because they support a different team just doesn't make any sense to me. Liverpool supporters might annoy the piss out of me but I have no interest in physically harming them.
It is funny how football can bring out the best in people and the very worst.
Bringing people together with a common cause to unite and celebrate something, but equally to use that "bond" to enjoy their own twisted view of enjoyment.
You can have the discussion and the banter but when it gets past that I really do despair sometimes.
I recall one away trip to Notts County when I was with a mate who had brought his 8yr old step son with him to his first game. Trying to keep a low profile (not wearing scarves or colours obviously, but maybe a small bit of red showing) and we got jostled and kicked and loads of verbals.
You do wonder what goes on in some peoples heads sometimes.
It is funny how football can bring out the best in people and the very worst.
Bringing people together with a common cause to unite and celebrate something, but equally to use that "bond" to enjoy their own twisted view of enjoyment.
You can have the discussion and the banter but when it gets past that I really do despair sometimes.
I recall one away trip to Notts County when I was with a mate who had brought his 8yr old step son with him to his first game. Trying to keep a low profile (not wearing scarves or colours obviously, but maybe a small bit of red showing) and we got jostled and kicked and loads of verbals.
You do wonder what goes on in some peoples heads sometimes.

That’s a shame.
It’s a bit like a team coach heading to a game, but being destroyed, and the receiving club doing absolutely nothing!
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