Liverpool thread 2020/21

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A worst case scenario. We can afford to lose 2 games and still be infront of them.

The best case scenario would be to beat Burnley and them.

They've got Brighton at home on Wednesday.(a win) Then us. Then Leicester away. (typical, no Vardy), Then the CL. Then Everton at home. That's not an easy run of fixtures.
I'm ever hopeful but, we've got ourselves in a position unless something bad happens midweek that we can afford to lose there and still be top, obviously I'd want us to win but top after playing there would have been taken by all of us a few weeks ago. So I'd prefer to take the game as a no pressure free hit for us.
Why are so many people suddenly talking about getting a draw next week? We are the best team in England, we look better than them, there are no fans - which is perhaps the most important advantage, half of their team in the stands without a knee. Let's win these fuckers and send them to bed
As long as Pep chooses to go for it.
Im not convinced he will.
Pep knows best.
They need a win more than us.
2 wins on the bounce,don't be surprised if the Dippers in disguise make a return...their like that...
I'm still here, and have been before those 2 wins....but I get your drift.

Still not convinced by our performances and think that they are as much a result of managers/teams not really having confidence enough to go for the jugular.
In the last meeting I did think, as has been said, that we ran out of steam and were there to be taken if Pep had really gone for it. If City go for it next week as much as I hate to say it, I can see only one winner, particularly if Origi & Shaq start.
Phillips is too slow, Williams I have little confidence in and Henderson is not the same quality as Fabinho or Fernandinho when dropping back. God knows what this Davies fella is like if we do go in for him.
But 7 points behind I think Klopp has to be positive and try and get something but against Dias/Stones that is going to be some job.
Certainly gonna be a tense Sunday afternoon for me next weekend
West Ham were shit. Antonio should have scored or at least hit the target and the Dippers score straight after. West Ham then had a run of 3 or 4 corners all delivered without much threat and then get left one on one to concede again.
This all day long

Nobody should ever die at a game

I used to follow Everton home and away in the 80s/ early 90s. Have seen people bunk in the Derby games at Goodison and Anfield. As someone has already stated the away games would see some scamming going on. I saw it from away fans at our place in the bigger games. I have never understood the violence, banter yes, but why the fighting? I was once caught up in it after a game at Arsenal and believe me, I had no option but to fight or I would have got beaten badly. It sickened me and stopped me going to away games. That was the sad part of the game and sadly it is still around today but not on the same level thank god.

I remember before the all-seater stadiums how dodgy it was being in a packed crowd. The sway when a goal was scored, the pushing and climbing on each other to get a better view of a corner or a free kick, and the often cramped conditions that were dangerous at times. And this was going on all around the country. The atmosphere was amazing though and I loved it. I guess it is one of those things about being young as I would never want to do it again now. Leave me in my nice seat now moaning about Toffees ha ha.

There was some bad times but good ones as well. I have had some funny days with opposite fans.
I didn't start going the match until 1996, so unlike my mum I never got to experience standing. I'm claustrophobic, it would have been hell. I've had panic attacks in moshpits and Hillsborough is pure nightmare fuel for me. Hell, I had a panic attack the one time I saw City (Crystal Palace a couple of seasons ago, a mate sold me his ticket) because of the crowds at the Metrolink. If I ever go there again, I'll walk into town and then get the tram home.

I hate fighting at matches. Partly because I'm a small disabled woman and I'd be useless in a fight, partly because beating someone up because they support a different team just doesn't make any sense to me. Liverpool supporters might annoy the piss out of me but I have no interest in physically harming them.
If we win our next two games we put them to bed as we would have a ten point lead.

We need to killed them off.
A worst case scenario. We can afford to lose 2 games and still be infront of them.

The best case scenario would be to beat Burnley and them.

They've got Brighton at home on Wednesday.(a win) Then us. Then Leicester away. (typical, no Vardy), Then the CL. Then Everton at home. That's not an easy run of fixtures.
If we play against them like we did against Newcastle, it will be easy. For Liverpool.

That Klopp article is interesting, especially the bit about Lampard. He only got the Derby job because Uncle 'Arry had a word with them. I will say this in Gerrard's favour - he at least cut his teeth coaching at Liverpool's academy and managed their U18 team, so he had a bit of experience before he went to Rangers. What did Lampard do?
I'm still here, and have been before those 2 wins....but I get your drift.

Still not convinced by our performances and think that they are as much a result of managers/teams not really having confidence enough to go for the jugular.
In the last meeting I did think, as has been said, that we ran out of steam and were there to be taken if Pep had really gone for it. If City go for it next week as much as I hate to say it, I can see only one winner, particularly if Origi & Shaq start.
Phillips is too slow, Williams I have little confidence in and Henderson is not the same quality as Fabinho or Fernandinho when dropping back. God knows what this Davies fella is like if we do go in for him.
But 7 points behind I think Klopp has to be positive and try and get something but against Dias/Stones that is going to be some job.
Certainly gonna be a tense Sunday afternoon for me next weekend

The bottom line is City and Liverpool are a level above the other teams in the league, Spurs and West Ham are both near the top and back to back wins away to these isn't to be sniffed at and there's a long way to go yet.

Next week reminds me of 2 years ago when the roles were reversed when we needed to win and did before going on to win it and my fear is a defeat could give your lot belief.
Salah is bang in form and I suspect Mane will be back and you've always got a chance with those 2 up front.
Having said that, Bingo knows he has to win and I think Pep has learned his lesson about worrying about the opposition from the Lyon game.
Things could also look different before next week if midweek fixtures don't go to form as everyone is assuming we'll both win which is far from a given.
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