It's the hypocrisy and irony of what they say that confuses me.
In his twitter account he threatens to ban anyone who refers to alcohol in comments, but in his bio describes himself as a beer hooligan?
In this interview he says why they boo the anthem, then explains how the term scouse he finds offensive. Then babbles on about scouse not english. It's why it's hard to keep up with them
I am Scouse and have no idea what he is moaning about?
Scouse was not used as an insult to the Irish. Scouse was a stew that the Scandinavian seamen ate and as they spent so much time in the city it became a popular dish here. It has nothing to do with Irish.
He says the Irish Catholics were targeted on their arrival here. Yes they were, as was the case in other cities they arrived. However, what he fails to mention is that their arrival caused a big divide in this city that went on for many years. My own father could recall seeing the parades from both religious sides and told me how stones would be thrown and fighting would break out (religion has a lot to answer for) But during that divide, Everton was the cub that Catholics supported and Liverpool was Protestant, and apart from a few small exceptions, this was the norm. So, his relatives were bluenoses. We do not hear Everton fans moaning the way that that lot do. If he is so upset by the word Scouse, why is he not upset at one of his clubs motto's ''Scouse Not English'? I mean, he should be going nuts at that one. Then again, most of their fans are from outside Liverpool so probably have no idea what Scouse is.
There are some decent reds fans and we all have our own idiots. But they have this portion who act like a clan. Not matter what the team wins this base is never happy. They have to seek assurance that they are the greatest ever. 'This Means More' ha ha, pathetic. It is a marketing ploy for their tourist fans. The 'Look At Us' attitude is beyond cringe and I know many reds who do not like it. The need to brag and try and belittle others is laughable. City have won 4 titles in the last 5 seasons. Yet no City fan has ever said to me that they have won all these titles and I am just bitter,or i support a small club, or told me they want my team relegated. Yet reds do, and they do it to others. The need to be the best is shocking, and this is why so many fans of other clubs dislike them, and not because of some stew that sailors brought here. I know reds fans who are embarrassed by some of the actions of the cult acting part of their fan base. They have a very good team, but they also have more than their fair share of strange fans
No city is perfect, we all have our problems. I am not arsed where anyone is from. I am more arsed if they are an idiot or not. I laugh off most of the skits about Scousers, but I do get bored by the Harry Enfield jokes still doing the rounds lol. I would welcome anyone here...Just don't call me a bowl of stew laaar.
I still hope Liverpool lose though
Buena Suerte Real Madrid