Liverpool Thread - 2021/22

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Klopp questioned the allocation Liverpool Echo reported:

"Liverpool confirmed Thursday that the club had received an allocation of 19,618 tickets for the final, with 382 seats set aside for associates of players, club staff and VIPs, as per UEFA guidelines"

So 30 to 40000 without tickets or with fake tickets is on the shoulders of their manager IMO.
I genuinely think in retrospect that the French authorities and police possibly averted another disaster by delaying the kick off on Saturday. The use of blag tickets played a big part in any congestion outside the stadium, they'll get you past initial steward and security checks. But once at the turnstile you'll be stopped as the original ticket has been used. It's about time the club and supporters themselves started calling them out on this. They turn a blind eye to far too many off field incidents and it will happen time and time again.
So we can’t believe a word uefa say - unless of course it’s to accuse City of ffp breaches - then they are the models of truth and honesty.
Heavy -handed policing also seems alright if you’re allowed to climb on top of police vehicles to hurl objects at your opponents’ bus.
It‘s a funny old game.
Biggest mouths, thinnest skin.

I'm fully aware of the irony of me posting this on here but I wonder if any of them have ever been told that comparison is the thief of joy.

Everything they do has this air of desperately needing affirmation from the wider footballing world, rather than being content with what they've achieved.

I get it, to a degree; this is the most success they've had in years and they're still not the best in their own country. I understand that must be frustrating but the constant sneering and compulsion to say absurd things like "I feel sorry for every club that isn't us right now", right after losing out on both the league and champions league, just makes me feel like they're not really enjoying the moment. And that's a shame because those moments will be gone as quickly as they came.
Someone on here called it collective narcissism. Best description I've ever heard regarding these scumbags.
Club with a history of fan trouble. A history of too many fans turning up. Are encouraged by THEIR manager to go ticketless to other countries to support their club. Trouble happens and the media ignore the completly fucking dangerous situation that manager is creating.

Media blaming it on ‘local youths’ now, I’m not a nasty nor a violent person but if anywhere deserved to have nuke dropped on it I’d go for bbc or sky headquarters. As vile and scummy as the dippers and deserve the absolute worst in life
Any semi competent idiot could have predicted the events of Saturday night. Klopp did call for everyone including those without tickets to come to Paris as it was a big city.

I have no problem with this, normal ticketless fans would go to a fan park, or a bar to watch the game and enjoy the experience.

Every Madrid fan seemed to get in without issues and there were no fans spilling onto and obscuring the aisles or exits.

There had literally been weeks of social media about fake tickets and these lot's reputation for being misbehaved is well deserved. Utter cunts trick to jib in or use a fake ticket to deny your owns supporters ffs. Queues built up up as many with genuine tickets were turned away. Tons of videos online of twats climbing the fences, rushing ticket barriers. Police went in hard, OTT perhaps. But the central point remains, cunts acting like cunts denied their own fans entry. I get the organisation could have been better but maybe they were expecting people to behave in a civilised manner.

The 180 degree by all of our media who saw less than peak Wenger, is pitiful. There will be consequences to these hooligans actions but they don't give a shit about their own let alone other fans.
It also makes it more likely to happen again, sadly
It's absolutely mind boggling - they referenced something in their press release that they'd do something to comemmorate the 39. I'm wondering if they even bothered or did they think that parading around the fucking FA cup and Cabaro cup was enough?
They had some sort of commemoration in the morning. While the players were still in Paris.
No honestly, a journalist whose job it is to gather information from official sources has just said to not trust official sources. Maybe we shouldn't therefore trust a single word that these journalists say?

Cry me a fucking river, Oliver, you snivelling twat.

Fact is millions of fans attend games without a hint of trouble both here and abroad and it’s only these fucking rats who are a law into themselves that continuously have trouble because of their own self importance and poor behaviour.
Questions that need answering

1. Why were so many fans without tickets or with fake tickets allowed anywhere near the stadium. Conversely why did these people think it was sensible to go to the stadium
2. Why did Klopp encourage people without tickets to even travel to Paris
3. People like the idiots who hired a speedboat none of whom had a ticket shouldn't have travelled
4. Were locals involved in the trouble and to what extent
5. What issues did RM fans have entering the stadium if any
6. Why were the queues so bad three hours before the original kick off
7. Why do so many hangers on have tickets rather than genuine fans. Jake Humphrey's parents had tickets FFS!
8. Why when fans of other teams have issues with matches abroad is it barely mentioned
9. Why is it always Liverpool fans who are involved in disturbances like this, are they unlucky or is there something else that needs to be investigated
No honestly, a journalist whose job it is to gather information from official sources has just said to not trust official sources. Maybe we shouldn't therefore trust a single word that these journalists say?

You cannot hope
to bribe or twist,
thank God! the
British journalist.

But, seeing what
the man will do
unbribed, there's
no occasion to.
Uefa are not to be believed.

I must remember that when we next get accused of “financial wrong doing”. Or as city fans call it anti competition rules.

I didn’t realise it was this easy. The media are so far gone it is a genuine concern.Rotten from top to bottom.

Journalist warriors of truth and justice. More like a Bucket of lying racist cunts. I must have missed the media charging to City’s aid when we were wrongly accused by the same organisation.

Pep was correct in his assessment. Disgraceful conduct from independent news outlets.
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