Liverpool Thread - 2021/22

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this must be written by a 10 year old, from rawk, of course,

That bothers me in that it does further enable sportswashing, so it plays right into the hands of those hijacking the game we love for their own gain.

Parking that elephant in the corner of the room for a moment, though, and it's the biggest compliment there is to Liverpool. We absolutely terrify everyone, and it's truly glorious.

So many people out there cannot function unless we aren't winning something. Imagine having to live your life in that way.

Abu Dhabi are everyone's useful idiots, because they don't count, but we do. We terrify our opposition like no other club can.

The rest are content with their own masochism, and will happily be pushed further and further down the pecking order just so long as Liverpool are hampered by the sportswashing arses they subserviently lick.
Did he/she wrote that inbetween sobs?
Liverpool’s mayor saying there’s talk of fake tickets but the French should be prepared for this.

That embodies the culture, it’s only jibbing. You’d think they’d understand the seriousness of having too many in the stadium, mass crushes & death & who would they blame. What they are too stupid to understand is the logistical nightmare of an additional 20k people turning up to a full stadium with sophisticated fake tickets. Most won’t know they are fake so will stay & argue which means the queue stays the same size.

The stadium was full, outside the ground was full, what’s fucking hard to understand.
If this was City fans the media would be hammering us, think this is a huge wake up call as regards the media in this country. Its always been thought that they have their favourities but this proves it. Main reason i dont subscribe to sports channels or buy newspapers as they are just there to promote certain clubs.

I'm amazed we haven't got the blame yet. Let's see haven't some Liverpool fans blame ethnic local youths? Next it will be they were City fans due to their middle Eastern connection and being Muslim trying to get Liverpool banned.
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