Liverpool Thread - 2021/22

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Don’t read there Paris thread, whenever anyone mentions fake tickets they all jump on them or gloss over it. Openly selling fake tickets

One guy did try and say these people where the problem and also told ones who where thinking of doing it in Istanbul next year not to (they truly believe everything Klopp says).

Awful club
Imagine them getting fined and banned for two years for inciting their fans to travel without tickets, falsely accusing the French police and government of incompetence and lying and fake tickets. That would make my summer.
Not sure UEFA have jurisdiction over the Republic of Scouse that our Bolshevnik neighbours have declared.
Don’t read there Paris thread, whenever anyone mentions fake tickets they all jump on them or gloss over it. Openly selling fake tickets

One guy did try and say these people where the problem and also told ones who where thinking of doing it in Istanbul next year not to (they truly believe everything Klopp says).

Awful club
Don’t know why I do it to myself, one of the posters saying that fans using fake tickets is no longer acceptable.

Is it me, or does it take a special c to lack so much self awareness.

I’m not reading anymore.
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