Liverpool Thread - 2021/22

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RAWK whining about how shit the Rags are. Please don’t tell me they actually pinned hopes on any help today :-).
Meanwhile it’s empty seats and dodgy funding for us.
Proper cult that lot.
They weren't complaining when they took the rags to the cleaners were they? Fucking money laundering, database hacking, workshy, candle lighting bin dipping victims of everything wankers
Can anyone explain this Scouse not English nonsense? Why does nobody in the media mention their booing of the national anthem. When did they claim you never walk alone as their own given that virtually every club sang it in the 70's and 80's. Why does the media continue to fawn over them and turns a blind eye to their constant thieving and vandalism at most away games at home and abroad. Why are they allowed a free pass i.e. bus wrecking, flare throwing, computer hacking, pushing over walls, the list is endless. And why are they happy to take benefits from the UK government if they don't believe they are English. Maybe any resident dippers can explain.
This doesn't get talked about enough..

The BTL Bastard has also played with him.

They weren't complaining when they took the rags to the cleaners were they? Fucking money laundering, database hacking, workshy, candle lighting bin dipping victims of everything wankers
For me, that was a game where the rags believed all their hype and thought they could trade punches with the top two teams in the league, and were shown they were actually miles away, and Liverpool took full advantage (eased up in the second half too).
When it came to playing us the rags completely changed their tactics and were hoping to just keep the score line respectable, if we’d have been that first game we’d have likely battered them score wise too.
What do people make of this media narrative of a rivalry for the ages with both clubs pushing each other to greater heights?

On the one hand it's a laughable media confection given that during the last 10 years when we've won 5 titles, Liverpool have only managed to finish top three on 4 occasions and have a couple of 8th place finishes in there.

On the other hand it's hard to deny that Liverpool have kept us on our toes multiple times in the last few years, have got the better of us once and in the recent past both clubs have been playing at a level of consistency rarely seen. Getting 97 pts and still being second best may be a feat that is never be repeated.

So ignoring the media overpraise for Bingo and The Cult do we take Pep at face value when he says they are the toughest opponents he has faced in his career?
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