Liverpool Thread - 2021/22

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The dippers, aided and abetted by Scouse Sport News, are claiming half a million turned up for their parade. That's slightly more than the entire population of the City of Liverpool and more than a third of the entire population of Mersyside. This is similar to their 2019 parade when they first claimed 250,000 turned up, then increased it to 500,000, increased it again to 750,000 and then rounded it up to a million.

And half the City being Evertonians as well, the media here is like Pravda.
Its really weird, on the one hand there seem to be endless clips on the net of hundreds if not thousands of dippers climbing over fences, pushing down barriers, even boasting about jibbing in, fake tickets etc yet on the other hand we have supposedly respected journalists stating it was just one or two fans without tickets,
What is going on with the media in this country, why are they so shit scared of telling the truth about Liverpool fans?
Had their fingers burned over Hillsborough, but I think there is something more sinister going on. I'm sure Colin Mafham and Reach plc could testify to that.
I am not clever enough to post it but one of you will be. A very clear video of them storming the gate

MrBoomflexx/status/. Hopefully enough info for you to find it.
Apparently those jumping the fences in Paris were local kids, and it was just a couple. It takes seconds to find videos showing that these jumpers were wearing Liverpool tops, quite a few have Scouse accents and although I can't count them all, it's likey hundreds of them doing it.

We're watching history being rewritten in real time via blackouts and smear campings it's quite amazing to watch the Liverpool PR team in action. Thing is, with modern technology and social media they should be able to get away with it.

Step one, deny everything
Step two, blame someone else
Step three, take offence

Next they'll be telling us that the local Paris kids bought those Liverpool tops to blend in, have been taking Scouse accent lessons for months in preparation and have therefore stolen the identity and good reputation of Liverpool.

The media blackout on Heysel and even the inability to look at the Paris events even handed is so disappointing. There are questions to be answered which Liverpool may not like, but I think everyone expects it tobe brushed under the carpet as usual.

I can accept the idea that the stadium got it wrong, the police were heavy handed, innocents were tear gassed. But unless they are honest in their investigation then they are not going to get the truth. Liverpool, their fans and their conduct all contributed to a potentially devastating event.

Then whist crowing about the unfairness of it all and the potentially fatal consequences they could have faced, demanding a faux investigation, they go and have a party on the anniversary of a match they played in where fans actually died, and 14 of their fans were prosecuted for this. Did Liverpool FC even say anything about Heysel officially yesterday? Imagine if there was a title winning parade on the date of Hillsborough, they'd go apocalyptic.
Already happened. I shit you not but I saw a Liverpool fan on Twitter last night claim that the Parisians who jibbed in were dressed in Liverpool shirts!

As for the other bit that I've bolded, this is bang on and as fair an appraisal as you can get. I, and many other City fans, were on the receiving end of unwarranted police brutality in Madrid a few years back, as has been the case with many other clubs, and I can't deny that there have been loads of similar stories regarding the French police towards English club fans down the years* so yeah, no doubt some innocent law-abiding Liverpool fans were targeted. But it's also clear that ticketless fans and fans with forged tickets also added to the chaos and arguably contributed to genuine ticket-holding Liverpool fans being locked out of the stadium. Do people seriously believe that every ticketless Liverpool fan just stayed in the fan park to watch the game?

*I will add that luckily, my one and only experience with the French police around a football match was actually a very positive one. It was at Lyon in the CL in 2018. City fans were being encouraged to get the dedicated buses to the stadium, but me and a mate decided to get the tram. It was full of Lyon fans and there wasn't any trouble but when we got off at the stadium, we realised that we were at the wrong end of the ground. Turns out that there were another 3 or 4 blues on the same tram. Lyon had a pretty bad reputation for football violence and the police saw that we were City fans so politely suggested that they should escort us round to the away section. They were seriously mob handed but were as good as gold.
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Sky said there was was 100,000 there. Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story .
Try half a million.

SSN ticker last night claimed 500,000 and the Guardian claims "hundreds of thousands".
Have they logged a petition yet to take the Champions League trophy away from Madrid and to give to Liverpool because of the fan treatment?
I have no doubt that locals bunked in and they probably did mug and attack a few reds. I am sure the police did get heavy handed, maybe even going over the top with tear gas, remember kids and women were in the crowd. I accept that. What I cannot accept is the wipe-out of any wrong doing by reds fans. We saw enough clips on twitter to see what was going on. Yes, some reds broke in, jumped over fences, zig zagged past security to run up steps into the stadium. I am certain that most reds fans were behaved and did what was instructed. But the mindless element who follow them around are ruining it for everyone. Don't ignore what they do and have the media cover it out. Show them, find out who they are and ban them forever. Stamp it out not hide it. There are two sides to every story yet the media are showing just one. I dislike LFC, but I do feel sorry for their real fans.
Who are you, and what have you done with @Toffeedude ?
Yes they did. They had a little ceremony at the Heysel memorial at Anfield. Klopp and Henderson laid a wreath and LFC tweeted about it.

how do I know this? By going on to the Gazetta Dello Sport website. There was a small but fair and non-inflammatory piece about them marking the anniversary. There wasnt a single fucking word that I could find on the websites of the BBC, the Guardian, the Mirror or the Mail. (I stopped looking after that.)

Make up your own mind about why the U.K. media has chosen not to report this when even LFC are tweeting it, and maybe ask what they are choosing not to report about Saturday night.
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."

Fortunately other fans are seeing it now.
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