Liverpool Thread - 2022/23

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Twas us not very long ago. I wonder if any scousers will hire a tug boat though. :-)
Twas us not very long ago. I wonder if any scousers will hire a tug boat though. :-)
As we all well remember, when we plummeted down the divisions we still had 30k and more in attendance. Would these glory hunters of the rags/dippers follow their clubs if the same happened to them? We all know the answer.

No Salad is whinging and bellyaching because he won't be playing in the CL next season? Never mind, the £350k you pocket each week should soften the blow.
I don't hear as much complaining from the people of this country who have every right to wallow in self-pity. Those living beneath the poverty line: parents not being able to afford meals for their children, OAP's crippled with arthritis shivering in the cold because turning the heating on is way too expensive. I don't hear as much whinging from the unemployed or the disabled, or the people queuing up at food banks for half a loaf of bread that will have to last them a week or so. I don't hear them complaining because we're a tough old bunch, us British. The old stiff upper lip and all that. We just get on with it. We just start each day with a resolute and determined belief that the good life is on the horizon, and we are making swift progress to meet that same horizon.

In the bad old days when the club we have idolised all our lives were languishing at the very bottom of the pit, and yet still somehow miraculously managing to find ways to dig even deeper, we had our famous 'gallows humour' to help us get through. Nobody took the piss out of us more than we did ourselves, nobody poked fun at the City fans more than we City fans ourselves. Because that's what you do. You stick together through thick and thin.
What you don't do is sit in your billion dollar mansion sipping your Moet and Chandom, smoking your finest Cuban cigars whilst gazing out the window at the fleet of luxury cars in your ornately carved driveway, and whine about not being seen on tv next season playing alongside the likes of Barca, Real, and of course us, the only professional football club in Manchester.

Get a grip, you sad, pathetic, diving, cheating, Egyptian Peter Sutcliffe-lookalike.
Klopp has had to defend Salah and his tweet, which looks like not of the party line and is certainly not insignificant nothing.

and this must be the best post ever on rawk, just read this shyte!!!!

I'm not usually one for conspiracy theories, but City have raised the bar so high for cheating that nothing would surprise me any more.

A club spending far more than anyone else, with sponsors that are mostly from Abu Dhabi, managed by a former drug cheat, with players that rarely get injured (and never seem to drop in energy), playing games where they repeatedly get favourable decisions from match officials - many in critical games that decide titles. Plus a manager and players that regularly scream and shout at match officials, or manhandle them without punishment.

The whole club reeks of corruption, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if there was far more to this scandal than has already been made public - including payments to UEFA, payments to the 2 CAS judges they nominated, payments to match officials and journalists, and drug taking throughout the squad.

If you do even the slightest bit of digging into Guardiola's past, he's linked to multiple instances of drug taking - either personally, or with the players he's managed, or with the club doctors he's employed. One of the 3 doctors implicated in the Lance Armstrong/US Postal Team scandal was also a club doctor at Barca whilst Guardiola was playing, and there were doctors with questionable links to doping scandals at Barca throughout Guardiola's time as manager - during which they had multiple surprise visits from UEFA to test up to 10 players at a time.

Guardiola's claims of innocence, and saying he wants the case resolved quickly and will 'walk if he's been lied to' are utter horseshit. He's as complicit in this whole charade as much as anyone, which makes the nauseating love-in about his coaching ability as hard to accept as City's financial accounts and sponsorship deals. He's an egotistical, insecure, covert narcissist that has never challenged himself at the highest level, and would not have achieved anything in the game had he not been gifted the best crop of Academy players in history, or managed Bayern in a one team league, or joined the biggest cheats in the history of world sport.

This is also a club owned by a despicable nation state without an ethical or moral code, or any regard for rules or human rights. Compared to what they do in their own country, this financial fraud and all the other possible cheating is a mere drop of oil in their ocean of tyranny, greed, and bullying.

Fuck the lot of them, and burn the club to the ground as soon as possible - including that fraud of a manager.

I always love these types of posts. “Only I know the real truth”. Proper meltdown. Daft twat.
Apparently their annual pre season PEDS , erm sorry training camp in southern Germany is off. The locals have said they don't want them n the area.
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