Liverpool Thread - 2022/23

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and this must be the best post ever on rawk, just read this shyte!!!!

I'm not usually one for conspiracy theories, but City have raised the bar so high for cheating that nothing would surprise me any more.

A club spending far more than anyone else, with sponsors that are mostly from Abu Dhabi, managed by a former drug cheat, with players that rarely get injured (and never seem to drop in energy), playing games where they repeatedly get favourable decisions from match officials - many in critical games that decide titles. Plus a manager and players that regularly scream and shout at match officials, or manhandle them without punishment.

The whole club reeks of corruption, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if there was far more to this scandal than has already been made public - including payments to UEFA, payments to the 2 CAS judges they nominated, payments to match officials and journalists, and drug taking throughout the squad.

If you do even the slightest bit of digging into Guardiola's past, he's linked to multiple instances of drug taking - either personally, or with the players he's managed, or with the club doctors he's employed. One of the 3 doctors implicated in the Lance Armstrong/US Postal Team scandal was also a club doctor at Barca whilst Guardiola was playing, and there were doctors with questionable links to doping scandals at Barca throughout Guardiola's time as manager - during which they had multiple surprise visits from UEFA to test up to 10 players at a time.

Guardiola's claims of innocence, and saying he wants the case resolved quickly and will 'walk if he's been lied to' are utter horseshit. He's as complicit in this whole charade as much as anyone, which makes the nauseating love-in about his coaching ability as hard to accept as City's financial accounts and sponsorship deals. He's an egotistical, insecure, covert narcissist that has never challenged himself at the highest level, and would not have achieved anything in the game had he not been gifted the best crop of Academy players in history, or managed Bayern in a one team league, or joined the biggest cheats in the history of world sport.

This is also a club owned by a despicable nation state without an ethical or moral code, or any regard for rules or human rights. Compared to what they do in their own country, this financial fraud and all the other possible cheating is a mere drop of oil in their ocean of tyranny, greed, and bullying.

Fuck the lot of them, and burn the club to the ground as soon as possible - including that fraud of a manager.
You have to admire the sheer hard work and time involved in the compilation of this masterwork.
Possibly one of the most impressive ways to demonstrate just what a complete twat you are.
The Dippers are really scraping the barrel after their woeful season.
Comical attempts to link Klubshops achievements at Dortmund as their own.
They will win the Europa next season thus obtaining the full house.
Reminding us all of Paisley and Dalglish.
Full on istree mode.
The Dippers are really scraping the barrel after their woeful season.
Comical attempts to link Klubshops achievements at Dortmund as their own.
They will win the Europa next season thus obtaining the full house.
Reminding us all of Paisley and Dalglish.
Full on istree mode.
Not sure why they're having to go on about his history at Dortmund as he's won ever trophy on offer at the Dippers.
Today is the 28th of May.
Last year on the eve of the anniversary of Hillsborough , Liverpool players wore black armbands at Wembley.
Today being the eve of a tragedy they caused will they wear black armbands? And if not will it be highlighted by our unbiased media?
They had a parade last year didn't they?
I wonder if the thundercunt who wrote that has ever bothered to look up the history of the club he claims to support?
Of course he hasn’t!
History means ‘a list of things we’ve won’ and nothing else.
It certainly doesn’t include various rampages across Europe leaving trails of death and destruction, and most certainly doesn’t mention large quantities of littlewoods money turning them from a mid-table second tier club into European champions.
I don’t suppose any update will include money laundering for criminals and terrorists by their major shirt sponsors.
Today is the 28th of May.
Last year on the eve of the anniversary of Hillsborough , Liverpool players wore black armbands at Wembley.
Today being the eve of a tragedy they caused will they wear black armbands? And if not will it be highlighted by our unbiased media?
They had a trophy parade on the anniversary of Heysel last year. Nobody said a dicky bird.

That club don’t want to be associated with Heysel at all. Their acknowledgment of it over the decades has been a disgrace. Last year was the most crass thing I’ve possibly ever heard of in football, having their trophy parade on the anniversary.

Could you imagine for one second what fuss would be kicked up by them if South Yorkshire Police had a big celebratory function on 15th April?!

In my opinion, every single final game of the season or opening game of the season, Liverpool should have a minute’s silence for Heysel.
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