Liverpool Thread - 2023/24

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TUE exemptions. You can get exemptions from testing agencies for drugs and medications if you cite certain conditions, asthma being one. A lot of medications can be used to mask performance enhancing drugs.

People would have to be naive to think this stuff isn't rife in football. The top doctors of performance enhancing drugs will openly tell you they are always ahead of the testing and the testing is always playing catch up, so I'd say just because people in sports haven't been caught it doesn't mean they're not doing it. I have no idea if Liverpool do or not, just saying nothing would surprise me.

Although the inhaler thing is incredibly suspicious. Apparently at one point 63% of the Liverpool squad was "athsmatic". Only 6% of male adults genuinely have it. Even on the numbers alone something isn't right. The law of averages means you might have 1 or 2 In your squad, not two thirds of your squad. Even a non conspiracy theorist would have to question those numbers.
Well yeah, but those numbers are based on an accusation of a single blogger, to be fair. If they genuinely had those numbers, then yeah, it would be extremely questionable. But let's be honest, if the regulations are so lax that one team can get away with it, I'd struggle to believe that all of the teams aren't doing something similar.

When I watch Liverpool, I see a team that typically gives intense pressure for short periods, rather than 90 minutes of pressing. I predicted exactly the pattern of play in their CL final loss against Real Madrid, for example. They'll come out like men possessed, rely on 30 minutes of intense pressing to try and force a mistake, and Real Madrid won't fall for it, and will just play defensively until they're out of puff. And that's exactly what happened, and Madrid gradually took control of the game until in the second half, it was never really a question of who was going to win.
Not big on the inhaler nonsense, I think it is a weak argument similar to calling us cheats.
They have done well due to lot's of off field improvements just as we have, the modern footballer is under scrutiny to be the best he can be and that's the difference between being good/better/ elite.
In lot's of sports the very best get accused of doping/cheating call it what you like but I bet you a pound to a penny the ones saying it are sat on their arses while the elite are doing everything they can to be the best they can be.
If I sat on my sofa with my inhaler all week I still won't get close to the player who trains every day without fail.
Top and bottom of it is they are good but City are much better in every element of preparation and bringing it to the table.
Interesting that Amorin has come out and said that he hasn’t spoken to any teams about any jobs next season. Klopp will be gone in around 7 weeks, if they’ve known he was leaving since November why haven’t they got anyone appointed and lined up to start the planning for next season in place?
He is 100% lying
Why did alonso decline the job, maybe his dream isnt liverpool and he feels like he has more to do at sporting. There any number of reasons why he feels it might not be for him, football has changed somewhat in that running to liverpool isnt necessarily the deal it once was.

We've got no idea ultimately.

I'm just putting my take on things across. Alonso is in the infancy of his career and is about to win Leverkusen's first Bundesliga. Got a great chance in the Europa League too and can build from there. It's a club that are supporting him and he sees the potential to take them further and maybe doesn't feel ready or doesn't see the benefit in joining the dippers at this time - he also turned down Bayern let's remember.

Amorim has had 5 years or so in the Portuguese league and is looking likely to win the league for the second time. Sporting's model is one where they nurture young players to sell on and then bring the next line through. It's more likely he'll want to go somewhere he's able to buy the best and compete in Europe rather than be at a club that works under that model.

We'll see.

I wouldn't take the dipper job because it's a cult club that I fucking despise. But others will see an opportunity there still regardless of who they succeed and the players that might leave.
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