Liverpool Thread - 2023/24

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Not big on the inhaler nonsense, I think it is a weak argument similar to calling us cheats.
They have done well due to lot's of off field improvements just as we have, the modern footballer is under scrutiny to be the best he can be and that's the difference between being good/better/ elite.
In lot's of sports the very best get accused of doping/cheating call it what you like but I bet you a pound to a penny the ones saying it are sat on their arses while the elite are doing everything they can to be the best they can be.
If I sat on my sofa with my inhaler all week I still won't get close to the player who trains every day without fail.
Top and bottom of it is they are good but City are much better in every element of preparation and bringing it to the table.
Don’t you think it’s just a bit odd that they have more players registered as asthmatics than most ENT Clincs have patients ?

You sat on your sofa with an inhaler is less relevant than Spitty as a pundit …!

The top and bottom of it, is they are mard arsed cunts who deserve everything they get, including the PED association ..
Don’t you think it’s just a bit odd that they have more players registered as asthmatics than most ENT Clincs have patients ?

You sat on your sofa with an inhaler is less relevant than Spitty as a pundit …!

The top and bottom of it, is they are mard arsed cunts who deserve everything they get, including the PED association ..
It might be odd if there was any proof that they had lots of asthmatic players.

The original source is an anonymous "somebody told me" from a sports journalist based in Russia. Now, being in Russia might mean he knows a lot about drug use in sport, but he's had numerous roles that are fairly "establishment" linked in the country, so not exactly the independent crusader working from within.

I believe the argument has been made that Russia would be quite happy for other sporting teams to be seen as cheats - with a "they're all the same" narrative helping to muddy the waters around their own proven cheating.
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