The Caicedo debacle, in tandom with the reports of Liverpool attempting to force more thorough investigations of Chelsea—as they did with us via both UEFA and the PL all the while illegally accessing our scouting database, tapping up our staff, by some reports employing spies within our club, undertaking incredibly dodgy deals with the likes of Barcelona and Southampton, absolutely fucking their own local community with their real estate development programme, continually working with sponsors that have all manner of legal trouble, including being money launderers for terrorists, and supporting two of the most dangerous neofascists in world politics, whilst denouncing our ownership—is both truly hilarious and despicable.
How anyone thinks FSG is an example of how football club owners should operate is beyond me. They have been exposed as cheats and criminals in the MLB, in their US real estate businesses, and now much of their business dealings in the UK.
They are the antithesis of a positive force in the world, and most certainly in Liverpool, but they have the media and governing bodies (in the US and UK) so captured that they can spin anything and everything as they like and launch full scale smear campaigns at will.
They are a blight on football, and the world more broadly.
FSG—and the current Liverpool management—are extractors, not contributors. They take and give very little in return. The league, the UK, and the US would be much better off without them.