Lodge "intent to purchase" away match tickets

There is no system that will please everyone.

A ballot isn't a fair way to do it...as seen with the scum the same lot still go every week.

You say the loyalty system does work? Give me the perfect solution then? You say those with higher points sell them on... but the majority of those on the highest points are there for a reason and have earnt them over the years!

Supporters branches are opening all over the place, they are using all the high cards of other members, then using their allocation for tickets on the lowest points. So people on 2000 points then get a ticket because they are part of a branch?!

There is no fair system, but to scrap the loyalty scheme now after we have spent 10 years building up is unfair!! Why should someone who has just started following us get a chance of tickets over me when I have followed us home and away for 18 years?

I for one would go mad if the loyalty scheme was axed.
mcfcloz said:
There is no system that will please everyone.

A ballot isn't a fair way to do it...as seen with the scum the same lot still go every week.

You say the loyalty system does work? Give me the perfect solution then? You say those with higher points sell them on... but the majority of those on the highest points are there for a reason and have earnt them over the years!

Supporters branches are opening all over the place, they are using all the high cards of other members, then using their allocation for tickets on the lowest points. So people on 2000 points then get a ticket because they are part of a branch?!

There is no fair system, but to scrap the loyalty scheme now after we have spent 10 years building up is unfair!! Why should someone who has just started following us get a chance of tickets over me when I have followed us home and away for 18 years?

I for one would go mad if the loyalty scheme was axed.

the club could print a points table (like england do) say 500 people on over 12000, 500 between 10000 and 11999 etc you would have an idea of where you were re ticket allocation
easy ????????
mcfcloz said:
There is no system that will please everyone.

A ballot isn't a fair way to do it...as seen with the scum the same lot still go every week.

You say the loyalty system does work? Give me the perfect solution then? You say those with higher points sell them on... but the majority of those on the highest points are there for a reason and have earnt them over the years!

Supporters branches are opening all over the place, they are using all the high cards of other members, then using their allocation for tickets on the lowest points. So people on 2000 points then get a ticket because they are part of a branch?!

There is no fair system, but to scrap the loyalty scheme now after we have spent 10 years building up is unfair!! Why should someone who has just started following us get a chance of tickets over me when I have followed us home and away for 18 years?

I for one would go mad if the loyalty scheme was axed.

If that's aimed at me ? as i said in my opening thread, i'm not on about the right's and wrongs of the point's system mate. I'm talking about having a bigger window, and knowing if ticket's will at least be possible after booking a hotel and travel. Well actualy before booking a hotel and travel!
RegMuffin said:
Won't work.

Why? Because 99% of people will say they intend to go. (The further away the event, the more optimistic people will be that they will actually attend).

Plus, let's face it, we're heading towards a ballot system (probably the season after next).

Why? Because there will be a core group of the same people buying every single away ticket, knowing that they can easily sell them on. That isn't in the club's interest, in the long run, so they'll shake things up again.

Well they have to commit to purchas the ticket's then well in advance, that way the club will be able to give a more accurate picture when they release selling information on the official site. Think of it this way people buy very expensive pop and rock concert ticket's well in advance of the show and only get the ticket's a week or two before the event. City's only concern is selling the ticket's in maybe a two week window before the game, it's fine for City but not so good if your palnning a trip from a supporter point of view is it. I's a gamble, when if done with a bit more understanding it does't have to be. If i can't get a ticket because people on more points than me buy the ticket and actually go to the game i can't complain, but if i'm booking all other parts of a trip because the site say's you can get a ticket Thursday or whatever that is'nt so good. Plan it with a 30 day window and people commit to tickets or they don't then the others get a chance at least.
This is an excellent idea and could easily be done with a bit of effort. I sent a very similar suggestion in to the club a couple of years ago but I guess the demand wasn't high enough at the time for them to think it worth the effort. My day job is allocating social housing and we allocate our empty properties using a bidding system like this so i know it can work.

Here's how I see bidding (intent to purchase) working for away tickets:

1) Everyone interested in away tickets registers a payment card with the club like we already do for the cup schemes.

2) You have 2 options/account settings (you can change your choice during the season):

Option A: To automatically 'bid' for every away ticket for league games and/or each cup competition. If you choose this option your card will automatically be charged for every away ticket you qualify for - you don't even have to bother bidding. The usual suspects who go everywhere can choose this option. It's like Superbia with easy payment terms!

Option B: To 'bid' for a ticket for a specific game. If you choose this option you have to register a bid during the specific advertised bidding period for that game.

3) The Bidding Period - let's say it lasts one week, and it can be held long before the game so City know the exact demand before submitting their ticket request to the home club. Bids can be placed online, by phone or in person at any time during the week. The time or day you place your bid within the week is irrelevant. All bids are ranked, along with the auto-bidders, in loyalty points order. Bids can be linked to allow friends/family to sit together. A bid is a commitment to buy (like Ebay).

3) At the end of the bidding period the ticket office allocates every ticket in loyalty points order, charges everyone's card and posts out the tickets. City can publicise on the website the exact number of loyalty points held by the lowest successful bidder.

I know this idea will not be popular but it seems the best way forward for the club because it is clear that many fans are not happy with the current system

I think the time is coming where the club just offer say 2500 away season tickets

To maximise the clubs profits they should work out how much each away game costs and come up with a minimum figure and then offer the new away season tickets to the people who already have a normal season ticket on an auction basis with sealed bids the highest bidders winning

That way the club will get higher revenue which will help the FFP and the away season tickets would have to be paid for in advance so the club reduces its risks with tickets

then when the opportunity arises the club could take a bigger allocation and sell them by points or ballot

the demand would probably be very high when this happened
why did the club not sell vouchers 3 or four weeks ago to buy a ticket. When the tickets arrived from ajax the could of been swapped for a match ticket with seat number block etc

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