Look who's on the MUEN back page!

A conman who was jailed for selling big-match football tickets that didn’t exist has been accused of cheating United supporters out of hundreds of pounds in a new scam.

Amrik Gill, 23, from Chorlton, was locked up and ordered to pay thousands in compensation after appearing in court THREE times last year for conning fans over the internet. Now United supporters desperate for tickets for the Reds’ Carling Cup Final against Aston Villa claim they were ripped off by Gill.

They claim they handed over hundreds of pounds to Gill for tickets for last week’s Wembley final –but were left empty-handed. They say they were contacted by Gill after advertising on the Facebook networking site for tickets for the match, which United won 2-1.

Fan Shane Clayton says he paid £200 into Gill’s account for three tickets for the match, but the tickets never arrived.

Shane, 17, said: “He sent me a message after I posted that I wanted tickets for the Carling Cup Final. He said he had three for £66 each. He gave me his number and we arranged to meet but then he rang and said he was working and the best thing to do was for me pay him via the net and he would send the tickets first thing the following morning.

“I rang him the next day and sent him a text but haven’t heard from him since.” Another Reds fan, Luke Baldwin, 21, said he was contacted by a man calling himself Matthew Gilbert after appealing for tickets.

He said: “He told me he had three available and I transferred £200 into his account. I became slightly suspicious because it was in the name of AM Gill.

“I didn’t get the tickets and it became harder and harder to get in touch with him. I texted him and said if I didn’t hear back I would go to the police. I was eventually contacted by someone claiming to be his brother who paid me £200 back.”

When confronted by the M.E.N. Gill refused to comment.

In April last year he pleaded guilty to six counts of fraud by false representation, was ordered to pay £2,138 compensation and handed an 18-month community order.

In July he pleaded guilty to a further two counts and was jailed for two weeks. In November he received a one-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months for a further five counts. Our evidence of his latest alleged victims has been handed over to police.

A police spokesman said: “We can confirm we are investigating claims that football fans have been duped into paying for non-existent tickets
Someone called AMRIK GILL who claims to live in Manchester is contacting people offering tickets. However he wants money up front in his bank account before sending them and acts very suspiciously when someone offers to pick them up in person.

We advise everyone not to deal with him.

His mobile number is 07729 901 208
I didn't notice this thread about Amrik Gill until I did a quick search on touts and rip off's...

This wanker (Amrik Gill) tried to scam me off away tickets for the manc match a couple of months back; mobile number is the same and he is listed (had a check done on his background and mobile phone registration) in birmingham and not manchester.

His full name is amrik singh gill.

I knew something wasn't right when I asked him to email me a copy of his driving license with the promise to delete it once i got the tickets...he kept insisting i pay up first before he emailed the driving license..

Hope he gets fucked.
Amrak Gill also uses the name Chris Howard.
Another alias.

Hi, I was ripped off by Amrik Gill for £150 (a ticket to the isle of wight festival). I have been doing a lot of research on him, and also went to the police. The police don't seem too interested, but luckily i got in contact with a guy who now lives in scotland but used to live very close to Amrik, and has been following the situation for a couple of years since being ripped off himself.

His name is Tony, and he will be in Manchester this weekend and will be visiting Amrik and/or Amrik's family to expose the magnitude of his stealing, with the hope of getting some money back, although unfortunately this is fairly unlikely. We think it would strengthen our case to get the details of as many people as possible who have been ripped off by him.

So if you are one of these people who have been ripped off by Amrik Gill, please text 07956 486873 with the following details:

Name, rough date you were ripped off, what tickets you were ripped off for, and how much you were ripped off for.

He said not too to call as having the info in a text works better for putting together a case.

If anyone has any queries at all, just give me a message on here.


We should trap this fucker and serve a very swift justice upon him.
not 100%, but i'm sure hes g1lly blue (lee gillman) on twitter. Seems to have wiped everything off his page tho

On fifa on ps3, we kicked him from our club, so he made a new account with a different name and joined. Cnut.
20 Mar 2011 2:08 AM
alastair999100 Joined on 24 Nov 2010 Posts 22 Re: FA cup semi final ticket info out
I thought I was going to get some tickets when someone offered me a pair of club wembley seats... but after some research i found his number popped up in quite a few complaints about scammers. Basically if someone with a mobile number of 07779840123 or 07729901208 leave well alone.

That's off a rag site & recent so it looks like the twat MIGHT be selling City forgeries.

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