Lost Final Episode

Purgatory only entered the storyline in this final season - i.e the "Flash Sideways".

In 'real life' - the Losties really did survive a plane crash, they really did live on an island where; whispers, visions, brothers bound by 'rules' and a smoke monster lived.

Kimmel got it spot on i think where he siad, basically what we've just seen is Jack's life and his eventual redemption to get into 'heaven'. We got a lot of character development of other people but really that was only to add meat to the bone of the story of Jack.
I thought it was alright, if not a bit disappointing.

Then I read this thread, and it all makes a lot more sense and I think I understand what happened.

So everything continued on the island and real life for everyone else, what we saw in the alternate reality was of all the character's meeting after they had all died, past/present/future of the finale, to move on to 'heaven'. Hurley continued as guardian of the island...

However, one question.. Did Jack really have a son? After Locke told him he didn't, we didn't see Jack's son again...

[one question? yeah right, still have about 91274902734 more. Oh well, I'm sure a lot more will be figured out over the next few weeks.]
The sideways world where they're all dead. What's the deal with them all meeting other people from the island like the Samurai fella?
Banned Tosspot said:
The sideways world where they're all dead. What's the deal with them all meeting other people from the island like the Samurai fella?

I think Christian Shephard summed it up best at the end... something along the lines of "as the island was the most important part of the 'Losties' lives, everyone who was important to them during that time had a role to play in the Flash Sideway/Purgetory in order to pull them all together so they could enter the light as one.

As this was Jack's story... i'm presuming everyone who was important to Jack on the island was there in his Flash Sideways to help him 'Let Go' and move on.<br /><br />-- Mon May 24, 2010 5:28 pm --<br /><br />
CTID Chris said:
However, one question.. Did Jack really have a son? After Locke told him he didn't, we didn't see Jack's son again...

Jack never really 'actually' had a son, the Flash Sideways was an occourence where there was no such thing as "time" so the events were set up, i think, in order for Jack to realise he was now dead, to redeem his mistakes and to move on...
CTID Chris said:
I thought it was alright, if not a bit disappointing.

Then I read this thread, and it all makes a lot more sense and I think I understand what happened.

So everything continued on the island and real life for everyone else, what we saw in the alternate reality was of all the character's meeting after they had all died, past/present/future of the finale, to move on to 'heaven'. Hurley continued as guardian of the island...

However, one question.. Did Jack really have a son? After Locke told him he didn't, we didn't see Jack's son again...

[one question? yeah right, still have about 91274902734 more. Oh well, I'm sure a lot more will be figured out over the next few weeks.]

No, It seems they all experienced what they really wanted and were happier ie Locke married and his dad suffering, Hurley with Libby, Jack with a son and all the others meeting their loved one's etc.

Banned Tosspot said:
The sideways world where they're all dead. What's the deal with them all meeting other people from the island like the Samurai fella?

I suppose they just came into mirroring their minor roles on the island, and prob just a bit of continuity?
GStar said:
Banned Tosspot said:
The sideways world where they're all dead. What's the deal with them all meeting other people from the island like the Samurai fella?

I think Christian Shephard summed it up best at the end... something along the lines of "as the island was the most important part of the 'Losties' lives, everyone who was important to them during that time had a role to play in the Flash Sideway/Purgetory in order to pull them all together so they could enter the light as one.

As this was Jack's story... i'm presuming everyone who was important to Jack on the island was there in his Flash Sideways to help him 'Let Go' and move on.

Christian Shephard, with a name like that it was pretty obvious there'd be a religious factor.
The names were big clues:

Shephard: leader of the island (the Lost guys were his 'herd' for the entire story practically)

Locke: The key to ending the 'loop'

I'm sure James Ford/Jeremy Bentham were nod's to certain philosophers and the like... Bentham deffinately.

I never really understood Elouise Hawking's role fully... she seemed to be able to see into the future and know more, yet ultimately she was really unimportant.
GStar said:
The names were big clues:

Shephard: leader of the island (the Lost guys were his 'herd' for the entire story practically)

Locke: The key to ending the 'loop'

I'm sure James Ford/Jeremy Bentham were nod's to certain philosophers and the like... Bentham deffinately.

I never really understood Elouise Hawking's role fully... she seemed to be able to see into the future and know more, yet ultimately she was really unimportant.
Do you reckon Ben didn't go in because he was either going to hell or not ready to go due to his 'reborn' relationship with his daughter? He was clearly there just to apologize to Locke.
Banned Tosspot said:
Do you reckon Ben didn't go in because he was either going to hell or not ready to go due to his 'reborn' relationship with his daughter? He was clearly there just to apologize to Locke.

I didn't really understand that bit... wasn't sure why they all had to pass over at the same time?

Perhaps he wasn't ready, although his character seemed pretty straight and he seemed to have redeemed himself in his episode this season by putting Alex before himself and making sure she got the reccomendations she needed from school to get into College...

I had thought it was perhaps because he wasn't on the original Oceanic Flight 815, so perhaps he wasn't ready to pass through with everyone else... he never really spent time on the side of the Losties either, he was either leader of the others or manipulating one of the main characters so suit his own ends... unlike Juliet went from being an other to One of the Lost characters.

Good question though, one i doesn't really get yet...
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