Lost Final Episode

GStar said:
Banned Tosspot said:
Do you reckon Ben didn't go in because he was either going to hell or not ready to go due to his 'reborn' relationship with his daughter? He was clearly there just to apologize to Locke.

I didn't really understand that bit... wasn't sure why they all had to pass over at the same time?

Perhaps he wasn't ready, although his character seemed pretty straight and he seemed to have redeemed himself in his episode this season by putting Alex before himself and making sure she got the reccomendations she needed from school to get into College...

I had thought it was perhaps because he wasn't on the original Oceanic Flight 815, so perhaps he wasn't ready to pass through with everyone else... he never really spent time on the side of the Losties either, he was either leader of the others or manipulating one of the main characters so suit his own ends... unlike Juliet went from being an other to One of the Lost characters.

Good question though, one i doesn't really get yet...
Penny was there as well but was never on the Island.
Banned Tosspot said:
Penny was there as well but was never on the Island.

True... but she was in love with Desmond who was on island, like Juliet loved Sawyer who was a main character.

Ben never really had a strong connection to anyone on island, who was brought there by Jacob ... he also did a lot of on and off island killing/betrayal/manipulation... perhaps he knew he had more to correct before he was ready?

Edit: I meant to say that Desmond/Sawyer etc weren't just main characters but they were chosen candidates... or in Desmond's case just 'special'.
I cried a few times while watching this, yes it did leave a lot of unanswered questions, but I think the ending rendered a lot of those questions irrelevant.

It is very open ended, it leaves you to fill in various blanks, and you can take as much or as little as you want from the ending.

The ending was a bit 'mushy' but it didn't disappoint me. Far from it in fact.

Now onto tonight and the last ever 2 hours of 24 ...
YungJoshiiMcFc said:
If they were all dead, how did they speak to the "outside" world?

They didn't when they were dead.

Some of the characters left the island and communicated with the outside world, but that was when they were alive.
i tend to agree with the fact that jack finally died as his eyes closed at the end,fookin quality ending for me though my missus disagrees,as for the reversing of an aircaft this is a big no no and taking off in a crash landed aircraft on a beech made me think on the other hand it was dream like or sureal...still loved it though
I agree that a great film or tv series doesn't have to answer all the questions as it then leaves it up to the individual to fill in the blanks as they subjectively see it - this was so brilliantly seen in the original Prisoner series which lasted less than 20 episodes and left many questions unanswered but you didn't waste half your life getting to the last episode.
No doubt the last episode(s) of Lost was excellent
No doubt there is now an answer to the main theme of the six series, but no matter what the fans of the series say a little more answers should have been given to explain a lot of the crap that has been slung at us in the last 6 series, obviously the writers couldn't rather than wouldn't give us the answers as they never had them and just wrote in more mcguffins and rubbish as the series continued and continued.
Ok watching it for the second time already. This time with the mrs and she is askin loads of questions. I'm pickin up on more stuff I think? Tell me what you think?

Ok at the ball scene woman whitmore asks DES are you takin her son dan? He replies no!
this makes me think that DES is like the angel that helps them pass through to heaven when he knows the time is right for the indivdual!

Also I think they all died at the end of season 5 with the bomb as the end finshed with the word lost black in a White background (this always got me thinkin as it only happend once).
Then this season has been gettin them all ready in the alternate timeline to pass over into nirvana.

Either that or I'm still lost and will have to start again.

Bloody love the show anyways messin my head up for the last 6 years
cbeebies is poo said:
Ok at the ball scene woman whitmore asks DES are you takin her son dan? He replies no!
this makes me think that DES is like the angel that helps them pass through to heaven when he knows the time is right for the indivdual!

Maybe desmond was special in some way, but I think she asked that due to the guilt of killing daniel, and she just wanted to spend more time with him before moving on.

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