Lost Final Episode

GREAT show!

From a decent dictionary:

Main Entry: lost
Pronunciation: \ˈlȯst\
Function: adjective
Etymology: past participle of lose
Date: 15th century
1 : not made use of, won, or claimed
2 a : no longer possessed b : no longer known
3 : ruined or destroyed physically or morally : desperate
4 a : taken away or beyond reach or attainment : denied <regions lost to the faith> b : insensible, hardened <lost to shame>
5 a : unable to find the way b : no longer visible c : lacking assurance or self-confidence : helpless
6 : rapt, absorbed <lost in reverie>
7 : not appreciated or understood : wasted <their jokes were lost on me>
8 : obscured or overlooked during a process or activity <lost in translation>
9 : hopelessly unattainable : futile <a lost cause>

Therein lies the THEME of the show, as location had very little to do with the title. That is why the wrap-up was NOT about location, but the personal aspects of main characters.

ALL the main characters were ALONE, mired in their own situations, not even looking for that something that would make their life "better." The show, IMHO, was about THAT. It was about making the connections that make one's life A LIFE.

Ergo, at the end, the people who had made Jack examine his life, change his M.O. from one of control to one of letting go, and to making the ULTIMATE connection in his life with his father. After all, there as to be a reason his father was called Christian Shepherd and he came back to him in the end, with love and forgiveness in his heart (and I am an atheist!).

Many loose ends, too many to even mention, but I look forward to the books that will be written and the DVD extras that have been mentioned in the past. Lost did one other thing that I have not seen on other shows before; they redo shows with notes at the bottom of the screen to explain things that are happening, and why. I HOPE AGAINST HOPE there are discs in the DVD Boxed set that include these "enhanced" episodes to help explain things, or even just ONE DVD that explains some of the things that many of us may have missed, connections we may not have made, and wrap up some of the questions.

Anyway, all in all, one of the best shows I have EVER watched, with Spooks (MI-5 over here!) a not so close second!

Lost, hmmm....I just hope I have not died and have built a reality in my mind, like an arab buying CITY and us winning everything....this wouldP lay over and over in my mind for eternity.....Fergie would be devil of course and a manager with long hair and scarf would be "christ like"....Bluemoon forum would be the souls of the dead calling ......... aaaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhh I AM DEAD!
Here is what i took of what i have to hail as the best tv show ive ever watched.


The final episode revealed that Richard could age again after Jacob's ashes had burnt out, with Jacob gone then so was Jacob's rules.

Christian Sheppard

"That's Christian Sheppard" we heard Desmond say and what a clue that was from the writers.
At the end, Christian moved people through the door and into the light, i say moved loosely though as he was shepparding people through.

Stain Glass Window

The above image shows clearly all the major isgns for religion, and what do they all have in common? Love.
There was a sign of Love throughout the programme and has become quite symbolic in a religous sense.

Sayid and Shannon
I thought this was quite obvious but some of my mate's have asked why Shannon and not Nadia? Shannon was Sayid's missing link to the island, Nadia was never on the island so there was no connection so he couldnt move on.

Were They All Dead Already?

No, not at all. What we saw from the very 1st episode was very real. Some died before Jack and some died after, like Hurley and Ben, hence Hurley saying to Ben "You were a great number 2".
The flash sideways was something like purgatory, where some characters finally moved on while some weren't ready to leave.

And The Most Important Question

Why Wasn't Everything answered?
Personally im glad they didn't answer everything, it leaves us all to have our own interpretation. What better way to satisfy someone than to let them have what they want.
without a dream said:
I stopped watching after a few episodes of series 2, did anything actually happen? ;)

I watched the lot mate and i'm fucking fuming the ending was complete cop out and a waste of 6 years of tv. The first 5 years feed us aload of bullshit centered around the island and what the island is. The last series though switched to stopping the smoke monster getting of the Island and a load of religious bullshit about the people coming together in the afterlife after the island.

Basically you did the right thing in stopping watching that shit because i wish i hadn't of bothered. They didn't even answer barley any questions even the most fundamental one of WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE ISLAND. You know the big question the one everyone wanted answering from day one.

EDIT: Even the bleeding actors want to know what the fuck the island is.

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmOuLJpLeL8&feature=player_embedded[/youtube]<br /><br />-- Tue May 25, 2010 7:12 pm --<br /><br />Is anyone else not pissed off with the Lost ending ?.
could Jacob and his brother been a kind of cain and able as in the Hebrew scriptures, the sons of Adam and Eve. According to Genesis, Cain, the firstborn, was a farmer, and his brother Abel was a shepherd. Cain was enraged when God preferred his brother's sacrifice of sheep to his own offering of grain, and he murdered Abel. When God asked where Abel was, Cain pretended ignorance, saying, "Am I my brother's keeper?" God punished Cain by sending him into exile but marked him with a sign as a warning to others, promising that he would be avenged if he were killed.Prob not but just a thought......
stonie said:
could Jacob and his brother been a kind of cain and able as in the Hebrew scriptures, the sons of Adam and Eve. According to Genesis, Cain, the firstborn, was a farmer, and his brother Abel was a shepherd. Cain was enraged when God preferred his brother's sacrifice of sheep to his own offering of grain, and he murdered Abel. When God asked where Abel was, Cain pretended ignorance, saying, "Am I my brother's keeper?" God punished Cain by sending him into exile but marked him with a sign as a warning to others, promising that he would be avenged if he were killed.Prob not but just a thought......

I can see were you get the refference from i just don't think it fits.
Challenger1978 said:
stonie said:
could Jacob and his brother been a kind of cain and able as in the Hebrew scriptures, the sons of Adam and Eve. According to Genesis, Cain, the firstborn, was a farmer, and his brother Abel was a shepherd. Cain was enraged when God preferred his brother's sacrifice of sheep to his own offering of grain, and he murdered Abel. When God asked where Abel was, Cain pretended ignorance, saying, "Am I my brother's keeper?" God punished Cain by sending him into exile but marked him with a sign as a warning to others, promising that he would be avenged if he were killed.Prob not but just a thought......

I can see were you get the refference from i just don't think it fits.

prob not but just running through some biblical theories such as good v evil, god v the devil and such likes

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