Lost Prophets.

no words for how sickening this is, made all the worse with the mothers involved too. Only comfort is that there will never be another lost prophets album released
SiWatts90 said:
Sentencing report, be warned though it is grim reading and it takes a lot to get to me!

<a class="postlink" href="http://t.co/4mn6jWxkiQ" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://t.co/4mn6jWxkiQ</a>

I'm struggling to think of a worse thing I've ever read or heard.

Life doesn't get much worse than that.
SiWatts90 said:
Sentencing report, be warned though it is grim reading and it takes a lot to get to me!

<a class="postlink" href="http://t.co/4mn6jWxkiQ" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://t.co/4mn6jWxkiQ</a>

Thats just horrible.

All three of them need setting on fire.

The new Ian Brady.
The Pope said:
SiWatts90 said:
Sentencing report, be warned though it is grim reading and it takes a lot to get to me!

<a class="postlink" href="http://t.co/4mn6jWxkiQ" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://t.co/4mn6jWxkiQ</a>

Thats just horrible.

All three of them need setting on fire.

The new Ian Brady.

I wouldn't even dream of clicking on that. Some things you're just better off not knowing. The **** is locked up and I doubt he will ever get out. That's enough for me.
I hope the victims recover and the biggest curse I could wish on the scum responsible is that I hope they develop a conscience, and live the rest of their lives in torment.
The sad thing is that the mothers could be out after serving half their sentence. They would still be young enough to have children again, but they don't deserve the ability to reproduce.
To put a light on some questions that have been asked.

I've been in a few touring/signed bands. Most of the time, you don't speak to anyone in the band apart from being cooped up in a van or studio. So, when people say, how can the rest of the band not know, well, it's pretty obvious.

Clearly Watkins is a massive bellwhaft. A clopper of immense proportions.
I don't think the other band mates knew at all, think how much free time he would have had to pursue his sick interests and it would be easy for him to hide it from them. Obviously a few incidences that didn't make sense at the time may click into place now they know what he was up to but you never think that anyone is doing what that horrible **** was doing.

A bloke in my office who has his own band that performs in the South Wales area came across the prophets many times in gigs in the area before they made it big. He said that the other bandmates were party animals whereas Watkins was "Straight-edge" no drugs or alcohol. He still speaks to a few of them now, he hasn't spoken to them since Watkins was arrested but said that they used to not see Ian for months on end and that he was a very difficult person to work with. That was in the last few years before he was arrested last December.

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