Lost Prophets.

tidyman said:
35 years is a fair lump but he could well be out and about while still in his 50's and interested in sex.

I'm a bit surprised that rape or attempted rape of a baby doesn't carry a life sentence to be honest.
I cannot get my head around rape of a baby, surely that is a physical impossibility, sexually molest a baby i can just about work out but rape i cannot fathom it, how can a big bloke physically rape a tiny little thing, i am fookin baffled
Blue Mist said:
tidyman said:
Blue Mist said:
Without everyone moaning about Europe, under ECHR you are not allowed to give whole life terms.

Is this a new ruling?

Cregan got a whole life order not so very long ago.

Just going to check back in a mo,
I am sure they have to say how long you are in for ............

Just nicked this of the Telegraph from October 2013
"A triple killer, who slashed a pensioner’s throat when he tried to stop him robbing a neighbour, has avoided a whole life prison sentence after the judge said such a punishment was illegal under European law."

Well I'm far from an expert mate but I do have a bit of an understanding of the law and the way I understand it is there is a huge difference between a life sentence and a large fixed term.

A lifer with even a short tarriff has no right to ever be released. I know of cases of people getting a 12-15 rec who are still no further along the line than cat B after 30/35 years.

A fixed term is exactly that. As far as I'm aware Watkins could spend every day of the next 35 years telling the authorities he intends to rape a child on release and nobody can stop him walking out of jail a free man, when he has served every day of his sentence.

Every lifer has to convince the authorities they can be trusted before release and are under probation for the rest of their life.

Apologies if the law has moved on recently but that's my understanding of how it stood not so very long ago.
tidyman said:
Blue Mist said:
tidyman said:
Is this a new ruling?

Cregan got a whole life order not so very long ago.

Just going to check back in a mo,
I am sure they have to say how long you are in for ............

Just nicked this of the Telegraph from October 2013
"A triple killer, who slashed a pensioner’s throat when he tried to stop him robbing a neighbour, has avoided a whole life prison sentence after the judge said such a punishment was illegal under European law."

Well I'm far from an expert mate but I do have a bit of an understanding of the law and the way I understand it is there is a huge difference between a life sentence and a large fixed term.

A lifer with even a short tarriff has no right to ever be released. I know of cases of people getting a 12-15 rec who are still no further along the line than cat B after 30/35 years.

A fixed term is exactly that. As far as I'm aware Watkins could spend every day of the next 35 years telling the authorities he intends to rape a child on release and nobody can stop him walking out of jail a free man, when he has served every day of his sentence.

Every lifer has to convince the authorities they can be trusted before release and are under probation for the rest of their life.

Apologies if the law has moved on recently but that's my understanding of how it stood not so very long ago.

Tidy you may well be right. I just hope this bastard does the full hit (yeah right) The more I have looked it up on the world wide web the more confused I am.
Blue Mist said:
tidyman said:
Blue Mist said:
Just going to check back in a mo,
I am sure they have to say how long you are in for ............

Just nicked this of the Telegraph from October 2013
"A triple killer, who slashed a pensioner’s throat when he tried to stop him robbing a neighbour, has avoided a whole life prison sentence after the judge said such a punishment was illegal under European law."

Well I'm far from an expert mate but I do have a bit of an understanding of the law and the way I understand it is there is a huge difference between a life sentence and a large fixed term.

A lifer with even a short tarriff has no right to ever be released. I know of cases of people getting a 12-15 rec who are still no further along the line than cat B after 30/35 years.

A fixed term is exactly that. As far as I'm aware Watkins could spend every day of the next 35 years telling the authorities he intends to rape a child on release and nobody can stop him walking out of jail a free man, when he has served every day of his sentence.

Every lifer has to convince the authorities they can be trusted before release and are under probation for the rest of their life.

Apologies if the law has moved on recently but that's my understanding of how it stood not so very long ago.

Tidy you may well be right. I just hope this bastard does the full hit (yeah right) The more I have looked it up on the world wide web the more confused I am.

You were almost on the money Blue Mist, the new ruling covers the period before they are considered for parole, prior to it lifers didn't even have to have a review. Stonie made a thread on this a few months back you may want to have a look it, as I said in there, there are not really any practical differences.
Can't believe the sick fuck described the act as "mega lolz". Lets hope a few of his fellow inmates get some "mega lolz" at his expense.
RandomJ said:
Can't believe the sick fuck described the act as "mega lolz".

whaat?? Where was that reported? That guy is inhuman.<br /><br />-- Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:22 pm --<br /><br />
blue underpants said:
tidyman said:
35 years is a fair lump but he could well be out and about while still in his 50's and interested in sex.

I'm a bit surprised that rape or attempted rape of a baby doesn't carry a life sentence to be honest.
I cannot get my head around rape of a baby, surely that is a physical impossibility, sexually molest a baby i can just about work out but rape i cannot fathom it, how can a big bloke physically rape a tiny little thing, i am fookin baffled

Not worth thinking about but i heard of a similar thing the other day about a 19yr old from Leeds and caused the poor kid internal injuries and will have to wear a colostomy bag for the rest of his life. Cant believe how these sick fucks have absolutely no conscience about what they are doing.

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