bobmcfc said:
I was watching him in the diner expecting him to get "clipped" but it just went off :(
I can't remember who told me, but there's a bit (might be in the first season where Tony is talking about what its like to get 'wacked'.
I think he says something about it being black, and there being nothing etc.
So whilst the ending of the Sopranos is a bit ambiguous, i think you're meant to take from it that he's been killed, but you can choose who did it (i think there's 3/4 different possibilities in the diner at the time)
I quite like that, there's some direction from the show but, since you've built up all the 'meat on the bones' as you've watched the show (opinions of characters etc) then you can have your own satisfactory conclusion as opposed to being forced an ending you wish was different.
As i say, may all be bollocks though, because i never really watched it!