
Season 3 is when they started to drag it out a bit (not knowing how many seasons they had left) but it was one of my favourites because it had lots of Locke and Ben together on screen. It also had the best finale imo, tho the season 4 finale runs it close.

So, yea, I just loved the entire show. An amazing journey with a satisfactory tho not amazing ending. It had everything, superb acting, writing and musical score, and it pretty much touched on every theme and subject going.

Yea, some of the answers boil down to "magic!" but then I'm fine with that. The Force was much more interesting when it was magic before it became midichlorians
Banned Tosspot said:
tidyman said:
I have a major problem with anyone who talks about "seasons" and not "series"

It ain't a fucking season. Now cut that stupid ginger beard off, cover up your shit tattoos and get back to working in CEX with the other weirdos.
It's an American show so it's seasons.

I ain't in America and don't give a fuck what they call it.

If it ain't Summer, Winter, Spring or Fall, it ain't a fuckin' season.

Fuck it anyway, I'm more bothered about the soccer tomorrow than some shit TV programme.
Challenger1978 said:
ElanJo said:
Challenger1978 said:
Yeah everything that happened on the Island did happened but the stuff of the Island in series 4 and 5 was all purgatory.

The "Flash Sideways", where they were in a kind of afterlife trying to find one another, only started in series 6.

The stuff off the island in 4 and 5 happened.

Does it matter, it was still a load of bullshit fluff that didn't really happen. It just wasted valuable time that the bastards could of used to answer all the fucking weird questions they kept coming up with every week (even right at the end).

I didn't spend 5 years watching a fucking show just to find out the story didn't matter it was just a character development piece to appeal to mainstream numpties. If i wanted to watch shite were the story didn't matter and it was all about the fucking characters i would of watched fucking Eastenders or some other numpty soap for those 5 years.

JJ Abrahams & co are **** sons of a bitches and i will not watch anything those bastards have anything to do with again.

Obviously you didn't like it if it was too complicated for you to understand.
Just getting to the end of series 5 where Jacob appears to each of the main cast, Fantastic how it all starts to weave together.
Rammy Blue said:
AgentBlue said:
Same thing has been happening with Fringe. First two season were pretty great... it got worse since then. This season and the last the format has changed so much that it appears like it is a completely different concept/show. It's more about time travel/alternative universe than x-files case-to-case type of show.


First couple of series were really enjoyable, feel like I'm watching this final series because I have to, however it's shite now.
I still love it. Pisses over everything out there at the minute. The easter eggs in each episode, clues for the next one, etc. Top notch stuff. There's only about 6 episodes left of Fringe forever. I'll be gutted to see it go. I got depressed for two weeks when Life On Mars finished.
loved it but that has to be the worst endings they could have given the series

Only this. I loved the show early on but towards the end i was only watching because I'd invested so much time in it I wanted to see how it ended. You could tell as the show progressed that the writers had no fucking idea where they were going with the show. They started so many interesting sub plots and introduced lots of questions but then just forgot about them i.e. Walt, the numbers etc. etc.


The ending for me was the biggest middle finger to the fans I've ever seen. It was like they were sat in a room and said "Shall we tie up all the loose end guys? Nah lets just have them unplug a giant plug in the middle of the island and have them in an elaborate purgatory. Now lets go to lunch"

Primary school kids could have written a better fucking ending.
ElanJo said:
There's alot made of unanswered questions on Lost but I think it's overblown. I still see people asking idiotic stuff like "what was the Polar bear all about?"

I know practically everything was answered like the whispers and the 4 toed statue etc.

I really liked the time travel series when they flipped all over through time and could see what they had done previously and the fact that

they caused the explosion that eventually led to the building of the Swan that caused the crash of their plane

Desmond particularly had great episodes.

Just started watching again from the start because of this thread, im on episide 5 !
blumoonrisen said:
Challenger1978 said:
ElanJo said:
The "Flash Sideways", where they were in a kind of afterlife trying to find one another, only started in series 6.

The stuff off the island in 4 and 5 happened.

Does it matter, it was still a load of bullshit fluff that didn't really happen. It just wasted valuable time that the bastards could of used to answer all the fucking weird questions they kept coming up with every week (even right at the end).

I didn't spend 5 years watching a fucking show just to find out the story didn't matter it was just a character development piece to appeal to mainstream numpties. If i wanted to watch shite were the story didn't matter and it was all about the fucking characters i would of watched fucking Eastenders or some other numpty soap for those 5 years.

JJ Abrahams & co are **** sons of a bitches and i will not watch anything those bastards have anything to do with again.

Obviously you didn't like it if it was too complicated for you to understand.

That's the problem i understood it to well and saw the cheap copout ending coming a mile away. I just hoped (that's why i carried on watching it for years) it was going to be something cool and original not some religious bullshit.
I finished it last week after trying for 2 years, always got to the 4th season and sacked it off. The first 3 seasons are brilliant but it tapers off into completely nonsense really.

The constant has to be the best episode when Desmond is moving in and out of time but i enjoyed all the first and second season, especially when the tail people get introduced.

Onto Breaking Bad now!

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