Lovely remarks about City from Everton forum

Gwladiator said:
GStar said:
We havent even had any success! We had roughly the same size home crowds in the third tier as you've had for the past 10...

Theres no logic to Everton's bitterness towards us, we did our business with you in private. It was your own club who acted unprofessionally, arrogantly and imo immaturely. Apparently Lescott was 'always shit' anyway so i can't really see that one transfer being the root of all this vitriol.

Everyone was envious of Chelsea when Abramovich took over but no-one acted like you lot are towards us now... really fucking sad IF thats how many Evertonians feel.

Ok, 'success' was the wrong word to use but I meant the investment you attracted and the players you have been able to buy as a result.

Lescott was never 'shit', he was a key part of our team. I think some of that 'he was always shit' comes from some connected to city going on like you had bought the best CB in England when you hadn't even bought our best CB.

IIRC there was a good few on here who were underwhelmed by the signing if not the fee.

Even then, if a few of us wanted to be proud of who we'd bought, what problem is that to Everton? Still no logical reasons why so much shite is coming from your fans directed at us?
Gwladiator said:
1) That's just the problem, Kenwright won't sell, in the last few years we have had at least 2 interested parties, an unnamed Russian and Randy Lerner (Before he bought Villa) both were spurned by Kenwright. As long as we get by he'll never sell, just gives it all that 'looking for investment 24/7' and 'watch this space' shite.

2) I'm sure you do have your fair share of loyal fans, so do we. We also have 'part timers' and you certainly can't deny that you have more than your fair share of them.

3) The popular opinion on here seems to be that we are struggling because we don't have Lescott. If you wouldn't of bought him we'd obviously still have him so by that logic wouldn't be struggling.

Haha, i honestly don't think Everton nor City have any "part timers"... some things you say seem to be balanced and reasoned and then some things seem to be picked out of thin air. Your going to get some insults from the people who've read the Everton threads and can't distinguish between you and that forum as a whole but still, you seem to actually believe all City fans are arrogant but when pushed you've admitted its probably down to jealousy or envy.

I think Everton fans have got it into thier head were going to win something and should have been them pre takeover... Because taking us as a whole, the majority of us are still pesemistic, self depricating, "Typical City" fans... we probably always will be to some extent. Perhaps other teams just aren't use to seeing us with confidence and are a bit to dim to see the line between that and arrogance.
Gwladiator said:
Funny how you lot can be so judgemental about a whole group of fans based on a few comments on 1 forum
No. It's based upon your city full of phlegm gargling thieving self righteous and self pitying clowns
read some comments in that Adebayor thread and some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
i totally agree with you here though.
wayne71 said:
It was aimed at the scousers, why waste time on writing something intelligent.

Because it would be nice if when people came on here from outside, i.e. non think we were a friendly bunch of witty, articulate, intelligent folk who arent afraid of a bit of friendly banter. Not a forum full of vile mouthed, angry idiots. Surely you agree?
GStar said:
Haha, i honestly don't think Everton nor City have any "part timers"... some things you say seem to be balanced and reasoned and then some things seem to be picked out of thin air. Your going to get some insults from the people who've read the Everton threads and can't distinguish between you and that forum as a whole but still, you seem to actually believe all City fans are arrogant but when pushed you've admitted its probably down to jealousy or envy.

I think Everton fans have got it into thier head were going to win something and should have been them pre takeover... Because taking us as a whole, the majority of us are still pesemistic, self depricating, "Typical City" fans... we probably always will be to some extent. Perhaps other teams just aren't use to seeing us with confidence and are a bit to dim to see the line between that and arrogance.

By 'part timers' I meant fans who will only support the team when they are doing well. I think the bitterness comes from once being up there fighting at the top of the league to only a few seasons ago being near favourites for the drop. I think a lot of Everton fans (aswell as other clubs fans) see City and remember a few seasons ago before you got this massive investment when you were a team that we could feel reasonably confident of finishing above (no offence). I think a lot of people are just jealous because we've worked hard to get to where we are (or at least were) and you seem to be getting success (I know it hasn't came yet but it's bound to soon) handed to you. That's why I think certain sections of our support are unfairly taking that out on you. After all, money aside, aren't we pretty similar clubs?
Ok, 'success' was the wrong word to use but I meant the investment you attracted and the players you have been able to buy as a result.

Yes the investment that we sought and attracted. A key point ignored by many jealous fans of other clubs.

Other clubs are also able to attract investment should they so choose and should their potential attract and justify that investment level.

I would respectfully suggest that if Everton cannot attract similar investment then perhaps their status in the game is not quite what they imagine it to be.

Stop whining about us and agitate for your clubs board to make it happen (on whatever scale) for your own club. Therein lies your problem.
phuzion said:
wayne71 said:
It was aimed at the scousers, why waste time on writing something intelligent.

Because it would be nice if when people came on here from outside, i.e. non think we were a friendly bunch of witty, articulate, intelligent folk who arent afraid of a bit of friendly banter. Not a forum full of vile mouthed, angry idiots. Surely you agree?

In the main I would agree but when it comes to the rags or scousers I'm all out of friendly banter.

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