Luxury yacht sinks off Sicily

Why is this such a huge news story? BBC1 news had it 1st and for over 5 mins yesterday.

'bunch of rich cunts on a boat in the Med get fucked over by a storm'.

One is a British technology tycoon and another head of Morgan Stanley. It's a News story and you're interested enough to be reading about in in here.
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Genuine question. Is there a scale of personal poverty whereby you would begin to care?
I apologise, it was a shit thing to post.
I'd delete my original post but it's been quoted now.
I didn't mean to sound so cunty, i was just a little surprised that with all that's going on in the world at the moment, this story was the lead news item
Genuine question. Is there a scale of personal poverty whereby you would begin to care?
He clearly has no idea of the guy's background.
He is/was from a working-class background. His mum was a nurse
and his dad was a fireman. He was super bright as a kid and won
a scholarship to a fee-paying school. From there he went to Cambridge.
Did his degree and also a PhD. He started setting up businesses when studying
for his doctorate. In other words, he's a working-class kid, that has worked his
rocks off and did very well for himself. But hey, he's rich, so he's a ****,
and who cares if he dies? All down to jealousy, envy and spite. Sad.
He clearly has no idea of the guy's background.
He is/was from a working-class background. His mum was a nurse
and his dad was a fireman. He was super bright as a kid and won
a scholarship to a fee-paying school. From there he went to Cambridge.
Did his degree and also a PhD. He started setting up businesses when studying
for his doctorate. In other words, he's a working-class kid, that has worked his
rocks off and did very well for himself. But hey, he's rich, so he's a ****,
and who cares if he dies? All down to jealousy, envy and spite. Sad.

Yep, yet he would care if it was a millionaire footballer or singer he likes.
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I saw its major headlines but I find I dont give a shit about some rich guy dying on his massive yatch, certainly more important things happening right now that are more worthy of the headlines.
When a boat sinks in the channel it’s always major headlines so why shouldn’t this be? In fact if any British people die abroad in tragic circumstances it nearly always makes the news. That’s what news is. Certainly more newsworthy than reporting a new Banksy or a bit of John Lennon memorabilia being auctioned which is what the national and local media respectively seem obsessed about.
The majority of real professional hits are made to look like accidents or suicide for obvious reasons, ie no investigations.
I'd imagine it's quite hard to make running someone over look like an accident though. You'd have to get someone willing to do it, first of all, and then also willing to go through the inevitable police investigation, because at the very least, you're probably getting charged for death by dangerous driving. And then when his well connected business partner dies in mysterious circumstances a week later, that's getting upgraded to a murder investigation.

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