Luxury yacht sinks off Sicily

These type of threads always remind me of the Mitchell and Webb sketch, where MI6 are planning the murder of Princess Diana.

“The only thing that can possibly go wrong is if she wears a seatbelt”

“She won’t. She’s unprovably pregnant remember. And women recently impregnated by the only man they’ve ever loved are notoriously slapdash about their personal safety”
The full famous skit for anyone that would like a good chuckle.

Genuine question. Is there a scale of personal poverty whereby you would begin to care?
I think once you get down to poverty, people stop caring again. No, give us a nice middle class victim and people will be changing their Facebook profile picture and leaving flowers for weeks.
What I find most interesting about the conspiracies is not that they are very likely nonsense.

It is that we don’t even have the full facts of the events yet, so it is pointless to even try to concoct them.

At least wait until the investigations have begun in earnest so we have some juicy half-truths and supposedly leaked morsels before beginning to tie the red string across the board.

Edit: it seems I need to add a [this is satire] disclaimer.
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What I find most interesting about the conspiracies is not that they are very likely nonsense.

It is that we don’t even have the full facts of the events yet, so it is pointless to even try to concoct them.

At least wait until the investigations have begun in earnest so we have some juicy half-truths and supposedly leaked morsels before beginning to tie the red string across the board.
Cant agree with that at all. 15 people survived and witnessed it and have been saying what happened.
I'd imagine it's quite hard to make running someone over look like an accident though. You'd have to get someone willing to do it, first of all, and then also willing to go through the inevitable police investigation, because at the very least, you're probably getting charged for death by dangerous driving. And then when his well connected business partner dies in mysterious circumstances a week later, that's getting upgraded to a murder investigation.
Nah, I've watched Enemy of the State, it's dead easy. You people that refuse to see what the CIA are doing make me laugh. No wonder they get away with so much.

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