Lycra bikers


Well-Known Member
21 Nov 2004
i'm not really here
a danger to themselves and other road users, i was driving home tonight and one came across a road junction where he should have given way he must have been doing around 30mph no lights whatsoever and i missed his back wheel by inches, he was a split second from being killed, if they want to ride these performance bikes they should be made to use a track or confined to rural roads and made to have some kind of insurance, every day i see them weaving in and out of the traffic.
I imagine you'd have preferred a cyclist rather than this truck yet you don't call for trucks to be banned. Easy target though cyclists. Agree about the lights though but I drove behind a car from Piccadilly to the Etihad with no lights on tonight. Stick him on country lanes too.

Cyclists my man, Lycra clad cyclists. Us bikers prefer leather studded chaps complemented with a Marlon Brando cap.

As a motorcyclist I do feel a bit sorry for your general day to day law abiding commuting cyclists. I know and often see the types of dickheads on the roads they have to put up with.

But your fucking timothys, Hugos and Cuthberts decked out in there tour de France gear can fuck right off. A couple of Sundays ago I almost wiped one out on Shaftsbury avenue as he decided to unexpectedly join his already 3 abreast buddies without looking over his shoulder whilst I was taking over.

marco said:
a danger to themselves and other road users, i was driving home tonight and one came across a road junction where he should have given way he must have been doing around 30mph no lights whatsoever and i missed his back wheel by inches, he was a split second from being killed, if they want to ride these performance bikes they should be made to use a track or confined to rural roads and made to have some kind of insurance, every day i see them weaving in and out of the traffic.
How do you know he was wearing lycra?
RightTurnClyde said:
Cyclists my man, Lycra clad cyclists. Us bikers prefer leather studded chaps complemented with a Marlon Brando cap.

As a motorcyclist I do feel a bit sorry for your general day to day law abiding commuting cyclists. I know and often see the types of dickheads on the roads they have to put up with.

But your fucking timothys, Hugos and Cuthberts decked out in there tour de France gear can fuck right off. A couple of Sundays ago I almost wiped one out on Shaftsbury avenue as he decided to unexpectedly join his already 3 abreast buddies without looking over his shoulder whilst I was taking over.

Why use plural when it was just one of the cyclists who did not look over his shoulder?
And what were you doing on Shaftsbury avenue in leather chaps?
totallywired said:
RightTurnClyde said:
Cyclists my man, Lycra clad cyclists. Us bikers prefer leather studded chaps complemented with a Marlon Brando cap.

As a motorcyclist I do feel a bit sorry for your general day to day law abiding commuting cyclists. I know and often see the types of dickheads on the roads they have to put up with.

But your fucking timothys, Hugos and Cuthberts decked out in there tour de France gear can fuck right off. A couple of Sundays ago I almost wiped one out on Shaftsbury avenue as he decided to unexpectedly join his already 3 abreast buddies without looking over his shoulder whilst I was taking over.

Why use plural when it was just one of the cyclists who did not look over his shoulder?
And what were you doing on Shaftsbury avenue in leather chaps?

He was off to the pub to drink half a coke whilst dressed as a power ranger.
Couldn't stand cyclists in London, always heckled them when they jump lights or go threw red dodging pedestrians. The cheeky bastards give it back!!

Roads aren't designed for bikes, they are a hazard to themselves and other drivers.

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