Lycra bikers

Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
North139 said:
I had to move aside for one of them this morning, full kit, lycra, helmet, helmet camera, the lot and he was on the pavement!!
thats really taking the piss!

It's a fuckin' sight safer on the pavement than some of the roads!

That's if you can get on the pavement.

Round me most of them are blocked with parked cars leaving no room for people with pushchairs or wheelchairs to get past, never mind people on bikes.
urmston said:
I'm out on my bike later on. My legs will be lycra clad.

When I'm on my bike I wear suitable cycling clothes.

I always choose clothes appropriate to my activity.

By the way, I look OK in lycra because my legs are thin like the rest of me.

I hope nobody on here moaning about lycra clad cyclists goes to watch City wearing a XXL replica shirt stretched over his fat belly and hanging far out enough to keep his feet dry in the rain.

Now those people really do look daft.

least they're not FKWs.
Barcon said:
Anybody that tries mingling with thousands of lbs of motorized steel on a bicycle, on a day to day basis, in rush hour, is a bit slow if you ask me. They could be wearing a top hat and a cape for all I care.

This. Cyclists bad, bus drivers bad, car drivers bad etc. Thing is you're extremely exposed on a bike so your odds of surviving the mayhem is reduced.
I cycle everywhere, for various reasons: it's quicker to get to work than public transport, no parking spaces, etc.
As far as I'm concerned, every other road user is a complete w###er. From car drivers who feel super safe in their tin boxes, not looking before they turn corners, pulling out in front of me at junctions, talking on their mobiles, etc., to pedestrians who walk out into the road in front of me without looking, via other cyclists who cycle more slowly than I can walk, or ride two to three abreast, talking about the day's events.
However, I never, ever wear f###ing lycra. There's no more stupid sight on city roads than grown men dressed like extras from the Tour de France, cycling along on expensive bikes. And the fact that they can't even ride at a decent speed pisses me right off. Get out of my way!
However, when I'm driving my car, I hate all cyclists and pedestrians. Strangely, when I'm walking, I hate car drivers and cyclists.
I guess there's just no pleasing some people.
BlueTG said:
Never mind the cyclists, runners are the wankers (well just this one).

Last night driving down an unlit country road, come round a steady bend and there's just this little white LED light bobbing up and down. I had no fucking idea what it was and couldn't see exactly where it was until I realised it was a guy with a head torch on (a fucking puny thing) running against the traffic in the middle of the fucking lane I was driving in. Slowed down, pulled across the road and he starts giving me shit for not giving him his right of way!? Like he shouldn't have gotten off the fucking road or onto the side where he wouldn't be mopped up.

You should have gobbed at him out of the window.
mscenterh750 said:
I was behind a lady cycler yesterday in my van, and stayed behind her so that I could look at her bum bobbing up and down.

Horse riders are the satans of the road.
You take any pics?
dronefromsector7g said:
mscenterh750 said:
I was behind a lady cycler yesterday in my van, and stayed behind her so that I could look at her bum bobbing up and down.

Horse riders are the satans of the road.
You take any pics?

Yeah, we've not any pictures of horse riders on here for ages.I for one would like to see some.
mscenterh750 said:
I was behind a lady cycler yesterday in my van, and stayed behind her so that I could look at her bum bobbing up and down.

Horse riders are the satans of the road.
Don't get me started on horse riders the snotty bastards take the whole of the banks of the Mersey sometimes and won't move aside for anybody, twats

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