Madeleine McCann

The big question where is the body""?"...they must have had access to a shovel it’s a mystery it really is.hard to imagine Gerry digging a big hole.

Unless he is the world digging champion alongside the world carrying a corpse through a small but busy toursit village in the early evening unseen champion at the same time this theory is total BS.
Was it not said Gerry had a tennis bag that was never accounted for which Gerry denied ever having?
If it was a accidental death possibly they put her in the tennis bag and moved her at a later date.
Not sure about that theory on something to help her sleep being the cause. I work with kids and one 4 year is on melatonin. This girl is hyper as fuck. Cant sit still for 5 seconds at any point of the day. One ml of melatonin which is over the counter medication (but prescribed by the doctor) and she is out for the count in 20 mins. They wouldnt have had to give her anymore than that (and they are in the medical field) so cant accept they gave her a much larger dose or something else.
And of course where did they dump the body?

Early in the documentary it said that Madelaine was exhausted from a sailing trip and she was falling asleep during her bedtime story at about 6pm. Then in the third or fourth episode Gerry admitted that Kate had given ‘calpol’ to help the children sleep. Seems a bit of a contradiction. Also the fact the twins continued to sleep throughout hours of chaotic commotion.

But if it was an accident I can’t believe that just two ordinary people could be such experts at disposing of a body and covering up the most high profile child abduction case in history for so long.

For me they’re either totally evil in the worst possible way or they’re totally innocent.

Two other points for now: There’s no way they should have been eating in that restaurant and leaving their kids in that flat with the backdoor unlocked. They’ve always painted it like it was as if you were eating in your back garden but the view from the bar to the flat was obstructed and not clear.

The other is I find Kate’s attempts at crying but no tears coming out really unnerving.
The other is I find Kate’s attempts at crying but no tears coming out really unnerving.

Early in the documentary it said that Madelaine was exhausted from a sailing trip and she was falling asleep during her bedtime story at about 6pm. Then in the third or fourth episode Gerry admitted that Kate had given ‘calpol’ to help the children sleep. Seems a bit of a contradiction. Also the fact the twins continued to sleep throughout hours of chaotic commotion.

But if it was an accident I can’t believe that just two ordinary people could be such experts at disposing of a body and covering up the most high profile child abduction case in history for so long.

For me they’re either totally evil in the worst possible way or they’re totally innocent.

Two other points for now: There’s no way they should have been eating in that restaurant and leaving their kids in that flat with the backdoor unlocked. They’ve always painted it like it was as if you were eating in your back garden but the view from the bar to the flat was obstructed and not clear.

The other is I find Kate’s attempts at crying but no tears coming out really unnerving.
Thanks - havent seen it yet ( not sure if available in the US)
Yes how they werent charged with neglect is always a puzzle.
The other thing you said about calpol. Thars a fever / pain reliever. May cause a little drowziness but it isnt a sleep aid
Its possible they were being economical with the truth when they said they'd given calpol which is just paracetamol. Could have been something like medised, paracetamol combined with an anti histamine which was available at the time and pretty commonly used by parents who wanted a quiet night.
Was it not said Gerry had a tennis bag that was never accounted for which Gerry denied ever having?
If it was a accidental death possibly they put her in the tennis bag and moved her at a later date.

Yeah because there was so little attention on them in the days and weeks after the event that he could have just wandered of to a bit or nearby wasteland with a shovel and a heavy looking bag and no one would have noticed.

Or maybe he got in a taxi with a heavy bag and a shovel and asked the driver to drive up into the mountains for an hour and then wait while he goes and does a bit of gardening!


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