Madrid Vs Them

Lots of talk about how the ref blew during a corner.

Seems journos, experts and fans alike have no concept of the rules these days, and think tv and excitement should dictate what goes on.
Madrid aren't actually a great side - especially away from home. They can get up a head of steam at home, as we found at the end to our cost but we should have got a result in that.

The rags weathered the storm and then looked in control 2nd half and probably should have won it themselves.

I reckon they will beat them at OT - again apart from the first 25 mins against us, we dominated them at home. Madrid have lost 8 away games this year.
Having watched both the Real Madrid v Rags and Shakthar Donesk v Borussia Dortmund games in their entirety, I will confidently predict that neither Real Madrid nor Manure will progress beyond the Quarter Finals.
quiet_riot said:
Lots of talk about how the ref blew during a corner.

Seems journos, experts and fans alike have no concept of the rules these days, and think tv and excitement should dictate what goes on.

If the time runs on when the ball is dead during the game, the same rules apply at the end of the game.

Thought, I would prefer football to be 2 halves of 30minutes, with the clock on a big screen, stopped when the ball goes dead like in basketball.

This would stop the last 5/10minutes of games plus extra time being wasted as so often happens.
Big Swifty said:
I told you all yesterday that Rags would get a result. Did you believe me? No, you said,.
Real have been struggling lately with injuries, sulks and poor form in evidence (sounds familiar, that).
As United have the habit of winning recently your prediction was not too great a risk to make.
As for the treble, why not have an "insurance bet" to cushion the blow if it happens?
Just watched shakin' bacon's interview about Ronaldo's header in which he praises him. Why though, does he have to end it with "Certainly Messi couldn't do that, I'm sure of that." ?

Why does he have to have a pop at Messi? Is it because Messi has destoyed the old pisscan's team in 2 Champions League finals? He really is an odius piece of turd.
citykev28 said:
Just watched shakin' bacon's interview about Ronaldo's header in which he praises him. Why though, does he have to end it with "Certainly Messi couldn't do that, I'm sure of that." ?

Why does he have to have a pop at Messi? Is it because Messi has destoyed the old pisscan's team in 2 Champions League finals? He really is an odius piece of turd.
It wasn't a pop at Messi. He mentioned him probably because they're the only two players in a league of their own. He's openly said on a couple of occasions that Messi is the best player in the world.

Maybe it was more aimed at making Ronaldo feel better in a desperate attempt at ushering him back to OT.

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