Maine Road or Etihad

Wrong again,my first reply was questioning you stating the atmosphere at the Etihad is better than what we experienced in the Kippax.
Something doesn't seem right about you.

Funny - I was thinking same about you. Have you read the comments from others on here who have similar thoughts to me about the atmosphere.

your love of all things Maine Road - It’s called nostalgia pal. Maine Road could be silent as a tomb sometimes & rocking on others. Just like the Etihad. But for me, walking up to the Etihad either down the main roads or from the link bridge - seeing it lit up - knocks Maine Road for 6.

this thread asks - Maine Road or Etihad? We’re not going to agree but just because you prefer Maine Road still doesn’t mean I can’t prefer The Etihad.

ive had enough of you now so this is my last response. Enjoy your reminiscing
Funny - I was thinking same about you. Have you read the comments from others on here who have similar thoughts to me about the atmosphere.

your love of all things Maine Road - It’s called nostalgia pal. Maine Road could be silent as a tomb sometimes & rocking on others. Just like the Etihad. But for me, walking up to the Etihad either down the main roads or from the link bridge - seeing it lit up - knocks Maine Road for 6.

this thread asks - Maine Road or Etihad? We’re not going to agree but just because you prefer Maine Road still doesn’t mean I can’t prefer The Etihad.

ive had enough of you now so this is my last response. Enjoy your reminiscing
Yep,as i thought.
Yep,as i thought.
While I loved Maine Road, and the Kippax especially, I think for some people nostalgia has glossed over some of the bad times, the madness and sheer crookedness of Swales and the occasionally dismal atmospheres.
Its just like the Hacienda effect. That place was a half empty, freezing, dreary shithole just as often as it was a bouncing mass of sweaty delirium. Yet all anyone remembers now is footage of the packed dancefloor and everyone pilled off their heads.

not sure what you thought - you never really say. But the above post sums up my views.
Maine Road upto 1985 when the Platt Lane was abandoned to have a couple of thousand away fans in it. From then on Maine Road was a disaster with the loss of the Kippax and 2 disappointing cheap replacement stands.
It will always be Maine Road for me.

Probably little to do with the actual stadium but more the atmosphere inside and around the ground.

Some things I think will stay with me forever. The celebrations after we went 1-0 up against Spurs in the quarter final, being under the huge flag on the kippax before a Derby, exchanging songs with the away fans on the segregation line an hour and a half before kick off, walking down the gap between the North stand and kippax just as Maurizio Gaudini rifled one in the bottom corner, it felt like I was the only one there to witness it.

The Etihad has given me some wonderful moments but the vast majority have been based around the teams performances, where as Maine Road, the place itself gave me those memories.
Stadiums have changed but it’s mostly the culture which has changed the atmosphere. The game is more sanitised, less roudy, tickets are more expensive. It’s a different audience than it was 30 years ago. Put that same audience of today in Maine Road and you’d get the exact same vibe we get today at the Etihad.
Yeh I agree with all of that.

But the atmosphere of Maine Rd 30 years ago had the demographic of football fans 30 years ago, so that counts in its favour imo.

But aside from all of that, I just can’t see how anyone can say with a straight face that the surrounding area streets and pubs at the Etihad are a patch on Maine Rd.

I was actually on Kippax St a week or so back, completely unrelated to City. But I still got goosebumps seeing the streets and alleyways and shops and chippy’s and pubs in the area so steeped in history and memories.

I can’t see how Clayton Asda or the Mercedes garage could possibly invoke the same feelings in people.

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