Maine Road or Etihad

For soul. For the feeling of homeliness, for the surrounded area and pubs MAINE ROAD without a moments hesitation.
Foe where we are now, for the proximity of town, for the help it got us in us getting the sheik on board… ETIHAD without a moments hesitation.

i remember walking away on that last game without a backwards glance. I fuckin loved maine road but swales had made a total hash of it. It was time to say goodbye and thats what i did.

miss it from time to time but it was time to go
Where was the space behind the Main Stand? It was bang uo to the road with houses on the other side of the road. Well it was the last time I was there. There was no real space behind the North Stand. The Mistakes were were made in the Platt Lane rebuild and a lot more seats could have been fitted in with a better design. As for the Kippax rebuild, it was enormous, but it had very few seats due to bad design.

I don't think there was anywhere near enough space around Maine Road to develop an adequate stadium. Swales came up with a 35,000 seater stadium when 45,000 was possible. I don't see how a 55,000 seater let alone a 60,000 seater stadium being able to be built there.
Big forecourt behind the main stand and we could have bought houses up, knocked em down, totally devalued an area so anyobe stubborn and didnt want to sell wouldve because the area had become a rat infested dump … just like liverpool did.

but the fact is , the COMS was a factor in the sheik investing and the endless opportunities around it
Where was the space behind the Main Stand? It was bang uo to the road with houses on the other side of the road. Well it was the last time I was there. There was no real space behind the North Stand. The Mistakes were were made in the Platt Lane rebuild and a lot more seats could have been fitted in with a better design. As for the Kippax rebuild, it was enormous, but it had very few seats due to bad design.
There was plenty of (non-highway) space behind the Main Stand mate, the assembly point for numerous Swales Out demos.
For soul. For the feeling of homeliness, for the surrounded area and pubs MAINE ROAD without a moments hesitation.
Foe where we are now, for the proximity of town, for the help it got us in us getting the sheik on board… ETIHAD without a moments hesitation.

i remember walking away on that last game without a backwards glance. I fuckin loved maine road but swales had made a total hash of it. It was time to say goodbye and thats what i did.

miss it from time to time but it was time to go
Good post marcus, being in Australia I've only been to the Etihad a couple of times.
But my heart will always be on the Kippax watching Franny and the King tearing teams apart.
As I lived on the Fallowfield/Withington line I miss being able to walk to the ground(indeed many of my early and happiest memories are of the walk to the ground with my granddad for the game)and Eastlands is a pain in the ass to get to, but lets face it by the 80s especially after the Taylor and Bradford fire reports Maine Rd was not only a shithole but also not fit for purpose.
Maine Road had plenty of space behind every stand to develop them significantly, especially the main stand and the Kippax
The issue was that Maine Road was built on a landfill site(or more correctly it was built ontop of a former brickworks) , when it was built that wasn't an issue, by the 80s the landfill itself was considered toxic waste so rebuilding would have been prohibitively expensive.

The issue was that Maine Road was built on a landfill site(or more correctly it was built ontop of a former brickworks) , when it was built that wasn't an issue, by the 80s the landfill itself was considered toxic waste so rebuilding would have been prohibitively expensive.
I see your point here but remember that the Eitihad Stadium was built on top of a former coal mine, the Training Centre was built on the site of a chemicals factory. There was a gas works in the area. There are few forms of industrial pollution that are not found around the Etihad Campus.

Fortunateky most of the cost of remediation was picked up by the City Council, the European Union (remember them?) and other now defunct quasi-governmental bodies such as New East Manchester.

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