Mainly for bobmc & everyone who is fed up of negativity!!

Eccles Blue said:
May I just say that I LOVE our club. I enjoy the banter at the matches, I am very happy with the ticket office and supporter services, reasonably happy with the atmosphere, the announcer sometimes irritates me but he is only doing his job, the serving staff have always been polite, friendly and welcoming. I love the manager, think we should keep him for the next 25 years and as for the team, well who is there to dislike? They have an off day now and again but come on we all go into work on certain days and have an off day.

I think the net was there because the Leeds fans might have thrown something at our players, as one did apparently. But it didn't impede on any of our fans did it? You could all see presumably?

So for Bobmcfc in the thread about the net,and anyone else who, like me and Bob is fed up of everyone being fed up, I'm trying to make a happy thread. OK? :-)

Mods, I apologise if you are only allowed negative, moaning threads but I am happy. Is that alright or will this thread get binned? ;-)

Oops, forgot to say, I loved the trams as well, even though I got on possibly the only one that didn't have the announcements by our players & Manager!! :-)

Well said, its a pity we dont have a time machine to take some of these moaners back to the dark days so they can be reminded or witness just how bad things were!
Marvin said:
XxRachXx said:
Here here !!!! Let's just enjoy the season
Sadly some can't unless we are Champions every season, because anything else is seen as a step backwards. Actually I'm half in that camp, but my view is that you can't control what other clubs do, and it's only natural to have some variation from one season to the next as there are so many variables in football.

You should be able to 'control' not being hammered by bleedin' southampton in such a; miserable, ineffectual, structureless, useless, abjectly poor fashion - or am i asking too much?! A 'team' (losest sense of the word) totally bereft of ideas, a plan or basic will to win. 100k per week -and they can't play two matches in that week!
This summed up the Season so far and I see no reason to jump up and down in joy whatsoever.............
Caveman said:
ban-mcfc said:
I disagree caveman, whilst we were at our wordt our neighbours were at their best and won the treble that year. Sharing a city with that made it 10 times worse.

Plus leeds still dont get the crowds we did back then and theyre now a division above.

City fans are definitely more loyal.
I was thinking in terms of what they had and lost, plus three seasons in the third division. I do agree with you over the loyalty of going to watch the team though. The "Where were you when you were shit?!" chants from them were laughable as we averaged ten thousand more than they are now and we were in the third division with those stats whilst our neighbours were winning a treble.

But don't forget Leeds' neighbours Bradford are in the FL Cup final next week. Must be tough ;) !

-- Mon Feb 18, 2013 12:56 pm --

blimp reeny said:
Unfortunately, you have more chance in converting the forum into rags, than getting them to adopt lofty ideals.

Football is a working class sport, and the fans are from working class backgrounds. This is not always a pleasant existance, and many people use their football fandom as a vehicle in which to vent their spleen.

When I find myself in close proximity to a man hurling abuse at all and sundry, with the veins popping out of his neck, I can see the hard lifestyle behind that man, one which causes him to lose control in such an unflattering way. The stands, the forums, the pubs and work places are full of people like this. That's just the way it is. These are also the same people who generate a good atmosphere and sing songs.
That's not particularly the case any longer.

You go to a Rugby game at Twickenham, and you'll see what I mean. When posh people are drunk and vocal, it's jovial, not violent or aggressive. A football crowd is completely different.
Eccles Blue said:
May I just say that I LOVE our club. I enjoy the banter at the matches, I am very happy with the ticket office and supporter services, reasonably happy with the atmosphere, the announcer sometimes irritates me but he is only doing his job, the serving staff have always been polite, friendly and welcoming. I love the manager, think we should keep him for the next 25 years and as for the team, well who is there to dislike? They have an off day now and again but come on we all go into work on certain days and have an off day.

I think the net was there because the Leeds fans might have thrown something at our players, as one did apparently. But it didn't impede on any of our fans did it? You could all see presumably?

So for Bobmcfc in the thread about the net,and anyone else who, like me and Bob is fed up of everyone being fed up, I'm trying to make a happy thread. OK? :-)

Mods, I apologise if you are only allowed negative, moaning threads but I am happy. Is that alright or will this thread get binned? ;-)

Oops, forgot to say, I loved the trams as well, even though I got on possibly the only one that didn't have the announcements by our players & Manager!! :-)

But apart from the banter at the matches, the ticket office, the supporter services, the atmosphere, the announcer and the servicing staff, the manager, the team, the net (even though it didn't impede the view) and Bobmcfc of course, and nearly forgetting about the trams even when it didn't have the announcements on, what else have you got to be positive about?
The sanitation or the acqueduct? F@#&ing Romans!

BluePurgatory said:
Eccles Blue said:
May I just say that I LOVE our club. I enjoy the banter at the matches, I am very happy with the ticket office and supporter services, reasonably happy with the atmosphere, the announcer sometimes irritates me but he is only doing his job, the serving staff have always been polite, friendly and welcoming. I love the manager, think we should keep him for the next 25 years and as for the team, well who is there to dislike? They have an off day now and again but come on we all go into work on certain days and have an off day.

I think the net was there because the Leeds fans might have thrown something at our players, as one did apparently. But it didn't impede on any of our fans did it? You could all see presumably?

So for Bobmcfc in the thread about the net,and anyone else who, like me and Bob is fed up of everyone being fed up, I'm trying to make a happy thread. OK? :-)

Mods, I apologise if you are only allowed negative, moaning threads but I am happy. Is that alright or will this thread get binned? ;-)

Oops, forgot to say, I loved the trams as well, even though I got on possibly the only one that didn't have the announcements by our players & Manager!! :-)

Well said, its a pity we dont have a time machine to take some of these moaners back to the dark days so they can be reminded or witness just how bad things were!

Totally agree.....jesus christ just imagine the threads on here if we were going through what was our lowest points with our loved club !!!!

Some seem to forget or choose not to remember where we were and where we now are.

Now lets win the FA Cup, close the gap on the scum as much as we can and come back 10x stronger next season - CTID
People in general like a moan and especially the Brits,we are renowned for it.A lot of the time it is discussion and letting off steam.There would be no forum if everyone was happy,very little to discuss and it would be boring.

Forget the Leeds fans most of us suffered THIRTY FIVE YEARS of mainly garbage so we know we are so much better off now.QPR we were a bit unlucky,Liverpool we were a bit lucky as they played better than us,but Southampton was a blast from the past.A performance like that with the players we have just isn't acceptable.Mistakes i can accept but an almost collective lack of will and effort i can't!

Up to these three games we were actually doing well,it was just the rags were doing better.Most fans are annoyed because we let slip a chance to keep them down by not strengthening the team properly.If we finish in the top 3 and win the cup it will have been a great season.

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