Man City Enter The Race For Kaka!

blueinsa said:
AntonDonJuan said:
Who cares if he's a WUM. Don't hound him off the site, his posts are a lot more interesting to read than half of the boring fuckers on here. Stick around TFM even if you are talking shite

^^^^ this!

PMSL because he is full of shit! I proved him wrong last week on the other site, he was spouting his normal crap and I proved him wrong. He didnt even come out and say I was wrong he just picked at the other things I has said. I said my mate was in a band then said used to be so he tried to turn it round (at the time he was shagging the bird TFM he was still in the band) but at no point tried to prove the crap he was spouting was right.
He is on a wind up and cannot lose now, he has said so much that something must come out. Infact check his IP address where is he posting from? He says he is in spain so surely the IP address would be different from his normal one in the UK?
When you say they're all meeting 'casually' do you mean they're all wearing sandals, or do you mean they're having guilt-free sex together in a motel? It's just that I'd like to get the picture clear because I'm a bit slow.
Matt Diablo said:
Well i've been forced into registering so i can continue one of my relentless vices....!!
- Keeping up with the obsessive but gloriously consitent love i have for the one and only, soon to be kicking the friggin ass out of the Bore 4 bastards [and the yiddies!] .... only team that comes from Mancester City!!

Not a bad time to join i guess as we are about to partake on a level of show boating in the market never seen before, especially for a club out of the elite positions. I've been battering away on other chatrooms [nowhere as extensive as BM of course] backing that crazy F*cking Dictator, the Good Doctor, like he was my biologically impossible long lost Uncle, that i loved like the saviour that he was. Whatever the misery maestros like Mamulty [SP!]or whtever the likes said, he was the one that dragged us from the abyss of endless shite and gave us a worldwide profile that our f*cking brilliant Sheik Mansoor decided to give all us Blue boyz and Girlz were waiting for, like it would never happen... WELL IT IS SO THANK YOU FRANK I F*CKIN LOVE YOU, you crazy pirate!!

Anyway thats my introduction... if you still think i'm a WUM, RAG B'stard then not interested in talking to you TBH. I don't need to prove my genuine City credentials, but having to suffer in the players lounge with my [RIP] old man after that Pleat prick jigging B'stard dancing after the Luton relegation disaster, enables me to glorify in the present climate as much as anybody!!

Peace to all Blues we don't half deserve this.... as far as topic is Kaka comin to us now? Not sure i want him anymore after Jan but if anyone is going to ruin football lets us enjoy it at least!

For the record the only proper ITK's i beleive are Ajay, URG and for some f*cked up reason Marco...
Good post pal and welcome to ya.
Thanks bluejase... it's quite trippy getting a first reply/response after going through lots of messages on here and only viewing... there's a nerdy voyeurism tag for doing that i thinks? Something Stan Colleywhore and Phil Mitchell know all about apparently, in a slightly different world of course!!

Something about Toffesform though, on Citymancs if he really is blagging, that bloke needs help... How can you be ranting shite all the time to just WUM? That really is demented, one minute he's putting photos of him and his shelia then switching it with a Bluenose badge?
The reality is i don't give a shit if there are rags etc trying to WUM us coz basically it will pale into insignificance when we tear it and them up with our ambition...
from citymancs and its tfm stating that he has never posted on bluemoon

Mmmm, okay i am not quite sure what is going on here, but please let my just state, that i have never posted on any other Man City forum other than this one. I take it there is someone out there who impersonating me. And i am supposed to have issues! Grin Smiley
Well, you would have thought that my impersonator would have read my previous posts. I have already stated that Chelsea declined to make an offer for Kaka. Smiley
Also, this person has failed to state why i had to rush to Spain today. Well i had to conclude a deal i was involved with. Juliano Roberto Antonello joined Deportivo today from Partizan. Anyway, i am due to meet David Villa tomorrow night, but before that i am due to meet Diego Capel to discuss his future options. Again i will state that Kaka will not join Madrid.
One last point, i will only post on this forum, i have no need to join more than one Man City forum, believe me i really am not that desperate for the attention. So nice try mate, to my impostor, but please look at what i have previously posted before you make statements for me. Smiley As i have said in the past i remember every last word i have posted.

Maybe just to prove he/she is not myself, you should ask him/her what the last three digits of my mobile number are? On the second thoughts don't, maybe they will take some stick for me. Smiley Cheers mate, but there is only one TFM, and he his on Citymancs and Citymancs alone, but feel free to continue to post anything you like(within reason of course) Smiley

It is going to be a very busy few days for me, but i will post anything new here as soon as i can. Not that is anything worth posting, but I'm off for a shower, i will be back later.
Cheers guys TFM. Smiley

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