Manchester’s Changing Skyline

A lot of activity in the air but visited Manchester today for the first time in years and it’s a dirty, stinking, tatty unsafe place to visit. No wonder Bernardo wants out, one night in the city centre would be enough for me let alone permanently.

Such a shame as it has potential but the basics are being badly neglected.

Don’t disagree with much of that but have spent virtually every day of my life in Manchester City centre for 30 years and never been mugged or attacked or anything. So don’t see how you can declare it unsafe after one days visit. Agree it is ugly though.
A lot of activity in the air but visited Manchester today for the first time in years and it’s a dirty, stinking, tatty unsafe place to visit. No wonder Bernardo wants out, one night in the city centre would be enough for me let alone permanently.

Such a shame as it has potential but the basics are being badly neglected.

Yup ... while everyone is looking up at the new tower blocks, it keeps them from seeing how filthy and neglected the actual streets are today. All big cities suffer from litter, but last week seeing human shit in a doorway near to Corbieres is a new low.
Yup ... while everyone is looking up at the new tower blocks, it keeps them from seeing how filthy and neglected the actual streets are today. All big cities suffer from litter, but last week seeing human shit in a doorway near to Corbieres is a new low.
I used to work for Morrisons, and for a while at the shop in Piccadilly Gardens. One morning, opening the back door for a delivery I was greeted by an absolutely massive shit. It was a perfect log with nobbly bits, like a proper joke turd. Fortunately it was freezing, so pretty easy to scoop up and dispose of in the bins situated in the fresh prep areas.
I used to work for Morrisons, and for a while at the shop in Piccadilly Gardens. One morning, opening the back door for a delivery I was greeted by an absolutely massive shit. It was a perfect log with nobbly bits, like a proper joke turd. Fortunately it was freezing, so pretty easy to scoop up and dispose of in the bins situated in the fresh prep areas.

Thanks for sharing.
I used to work for Morrisons, and for a while at the shop in Piccadilly Gardens. One morning, opening the back door for a delivery I was greeted by an absolutely massive shit. It was a perfect log with nobbly bits, like a proper joke turd. Fortunately it was freezing, so pretty easy to scoop up and dispose of in the bins situated in the fresh prep areas.

This has brightened my day.
Yup ... while everyone is looking up at the new tower blocks, it keeps them from seeing how filthy and neglected the actual streets are today. All big cities suffer from litter, but last week seeing human shit in a doorway near to Corbieres is a new low.

Private affluence, public squalor.
Don’t disagree with much of that but have spent virtually every day of my life in Manchester City centre for 30 years and never been mugged or attacked or anything. So don’t see how you can declare it unsafe after one days visit. Agree it is ugly though.
It's definitely got an unsafe feeling about it late at night. It really is a fuck up of a City centre now. Used to love going, now I actually give the place a swerve. JWTF have they done or tried to do at the
Kendals end of Deansgate with that one way system / cycle lane setup? Its an absolute ugly aberration. Andy Burnham's doing a great job though - or so everyone keeps telling me.
The best view of the city center is from Wharfside (Ship canal basin) The reflections of the sky scrapers on the water looks like somewhere else entirely. The sort of thing you'd see in Chicago or Hong Kong.

Unfortunately, when you actually go into the the City, it is high fences, locked gates, construction sites and sporadic clusters of areas for people. Like Spinningfields is miles from the Northern Quarter or Home/Deansgate locks. If you are in a big group of people you can get lost traipsing through the City. It's too spread out and not joined up/user friendly. And you have to cut through the empty or shit areas to get to the next bar or restaurant. Piccadilly gardens is one place that you don't want to cut through at night. Or anytime really.

I know lots of people get the tram out to Freight Island, but again you have to endure Piccadilly station, curb crawlers, hookers, druggies, dealers, pimps, gangsters and when you come out, you're in Ardwick and miles away from anywhere.

I am getting old.

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