Manchester City fan gets Man United badge tattooed on chest

daveduke67 said:
Paz said:
avoidconfusion said:
Looking at his other shitty tattoos, that badge tattoo is in good company. This screams "staged" to me though, I doubt he is even a City fan.

He's also got the word Rod tattooed on both knees and im not joking!

Rod knee - makes you proud to be a Blue ;-)

Rodney? Are you sure he's not called Dave?
BurnCK said:
the old abbey said:
cmon urmston blues name the scarlett pimpernel? anybody?

His name is Rodney Ward....and yeah he's a City fan.


Wrong pillock. That's pillock number two, the one in the rag shirt, pointing and laughing at pillock number one. It's easy to see how you mixed the two pillocks up though.
Do you know what the real fucking tragedy of this entire episode is?
The rag badge is the only proper, professional tat on him.
He says he's "already got 14 tattoos".
But looking at him, the previous 14 times, he has handed the needle and ink to someone barely recovering from a catastrophic head injury and said "Go on you fucking headbanger, do your fucking worst".
What a fucking plebian embarrassment.
What an absolute prick. His mate looks a like a fucking simple ****. If it is true and i really hope he's not one of ours, then the best way to sort is the city bade next to it, the semi final score and yaya's name as the earlier post suggested.
The guy looks like a fuckin right spanner simple thing is if your rag mate try's to make you get a ManUre tattoo you tell em to go fuck themselves, if your rag mate tells you to get a ManUre tattoo when you're drunk you fuckin' slap em then laugh at em then tell em to go fuck themselves.
I know em both and both sound lads, apart from the fact ones a rag!

fair play to him not shitting out, can you see a rag doin that?

not sure that's a positive thing? just a bit surprised a city fan could do it whatever the circumstances; leave the area, assassinate the rag mate or suicide.............he's going to be buried with that horrible mark when his time comes.
A wank cover up should sort it, and it will be no worse than the ill thought scawlings he's already got.

It's his body. Fucking tool.
There's no way on Earth this is true. He's not a heating engineer. Who in their right mind would let that dumb **** near a gas appliance?

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