Manchester City v Dynamo Kiev - Second Leg.

To use an old line get a grip.

Down to ten men for more than 55 minutes and we were the only team ever going to win this match.

If your going to blame someone , blame our whole team and our management for the poor performance in the first leg.

The sending off was a joke and everybody who looks at it objectively knows it.
It was clumsy and a yellow card at worst.

At least Robby Mustoe has got semblence of reason when he said it was never a red card.

As for some of the reactionaries on here support Balotelli and given his goal record for us despite his stop start season its as good as any in the premiership.

Get a life you City bashers.
after balotelli was sent off a few mins later mancini went down the tunnel. what do you think he said to balotelli?? or maybe he just went for a p*ss
This thread typifies the mindset of many on bluemoan . . a win and everyone's bloody marvellous and a loss means that we have a shit team and shitter management all of a sudden. Knee-jerk nonsense with hero to zero at the drop of a hat.

IMO a number of posters need to take a reality pill and understand that a rebuilt squad and a new manager are highly unlikely to bring in great results in their first full season. Can you remember that bacon face took the rags down a division when he first rebuilt as a new manager at the swamp (and the knee jerk rag fans were bleating similar nonsense to the negative posts on here). Effin' laughable that's what it is.

If we get a 4th place and nothing else this season then we'll have achieved as much as we seriously targeted and more than other similar teams in similar situations have achieved historically. If that ain't enough then what do you want?

I was at the match last night and the Balotelli red card was nothing more than a yellow (that ref was truly crap) the lads played their hearts out, gave their all and then you get ungrateful dreamers on here ripping into them. True fans? No, not at all because true fans are fanatics and they support their teams when they're up and especially when they're down.

Are there any others who feel like this or am I the only one here who has a grip on his or her aspirations?

PS. Sorry if I've pissed anyone off at all - nothing meant personally to anyone but the general drift into hardcore doom & gloom is pathetic.
hisroyalblueness said:
This thread typifies the mindset of many on bluemoan . . a win and everyone's bloody marvellous and a loss means that we have a shit team and shitter management all of a sudden. Knee-jerk nonsense with hero to zero at the drop of a hat.

IMO a number of posters need to take a reality pill and understand that a rebuilt squad and a new manager are highly unlikely to bring in great results in their first full season. Can you remember that bacon face took the rags down a division when he first rebuilt as a new manager at the swamp (and the knee jerk rag fans were bleating similar nonsense to the negative posts on here). Effin' laughable that's what it is.

If we get a 4th place and nothing else this season then we'll have achieved as much as we seriously targeted and more than other similar teams in similar situations have achieved historically. If that ain't enough then what do you want?

I was at the match last night and the Balotelli red card was nothing more than a yellow (that ref was truly crap) the lads played their hearts out, gave their all and then you get ungrateful dreamers on here ripping into them. True fans? No, not at all because true fans are fanatics and they support their teams when they're up and especially when they're down.

Are there any others who feel like this or am I the only one here who has a grip on his or her aspirations?

PS. Sorry if I've pissed anyone off at all - nothing meant personally to anyone but the general drift into hardcore doom & gloom is pathetic.
Well said mate...agree totally
hisroyalblueness said:
This thread typifies the mindset of many on bluemoan . . a win and everyone's bloody marvellous and a loss means that we have a shit team and shitter management all of a sudden. Knee-jerk nonsense with hero to zero at the drop of a hat.

IMO a number of posters need to take a reality pill and understand that a rebuilt squad and a new manager are highly unlikely to bring in great results in their first full season. Can you remember that bacon face took the rags down a division when he first rebuilt as a new manager at the swamp (and the knee jerk rag fans were bleating similar nonsense to the negative posts on here). Effin' laughable that's what it is.

If we get a 4th place and nothing else this season then we'll have achieved as much as we seriously targeted and more than other similar teams in similar situations have achieved historically. If that ain't enough then what do you want?

I was at the match last night and the Balotelli red card was nothing more than a yellow (that ref was truly crap) the lads played their hearts out, gave their all and then you get ungrateful dreamers on here ripping into them. True fans? No, not at all because true fans are fanatics and they support their teams when they're up and especially when they're down.

Are there any others who feel like this or am I the only one here who has a grip on his or her aspirations?

PS. Sorry if I've pissed anyone off at all - nothing meant personally to anyone but the general drift into hardcore doom & gloom is pathetic.

Thanks, you saved me having to type exactly the same.

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