Manchester City V West Ham (2nd Leg) Pre-match thread

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Relax It will be like a training match tonight, no ones going to get injured. Obviously this statement excludes Rodders and Jovetic
Pelle is showing class and respect to West Ham by fielding that team..

well done boss....
Only real surprise is no Jimmy and Boyata at right back hope the lad doesn't fuck this up.

I suspect everyone being game time ready for the real crunch game of away to Spuds and home to Chelski.
prestonibbo_mcfc said:
BlueCityfan said:
Not happy with Negredo, Aguero and Fernandinho all starting. I hope Ferna and Aguero are both subbed at half-time. And Negredo later.

Aye, but I bet the fans who have paid good money to go down and watch this, are.

Well they can feck off then.
Rammyblues said:
Only real surprise is no Jimmy and Boyata at right back hope the lad doesn't fuck this up.

I suspect everyone being game time ready for the real crunch game of away to Spuds and home to Chelski.

He can fuck up 2/3 times and we need'nt worry.

Fuck knows why he's starting Aguero & Negredo, I'll be fuming if either get injured.
aguero93:20 said:
StrangewaysHereWeCome said:
Manuel wants the highest aggregate score in the LC semi final .... Only got to win 6 or 7 -0 haven't we?
10-3, just need 2 more for highest winning margin, 5 for most goals I predict a 1-0 irons win ;)

I think its funny as that racord is held by West ham, I hope we smash it to f@ck
Ban-jani said:
Rammyblues said:
Only real surprise is no Jimmy and Boyata at right back hope the lad doesn't fuck this up.

I suspect everyone being game time ready for the real crunch game of away to Spuds and home to Chelski.

He can fuck up 2/3 times and we need'nt worry.

Fuck knows why he's starting Aguero & Negredo, I'll be fuming if either get injured.

I think this is probably to get the two used to playing in competitive matches again so they can get some game time together before the Barca match.
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
It's hardly the strongest team ever. 4 reserve full backs, a reserve keeper, a kid Garcia and 4 regulars.

What did everyone expect? A load of unplayed kids and 2 crocks?

West Ham are full strength and will give us a game tonight.

No Adrian, Collins, Reid, Demel, Jarvis, Downing or Noble. All first team players
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