Manchester FACTS

- The first steamboats operated on the Bridgewater Canal
- The Commonwealth Games, held in Manchester, became the largest multi-sport event ever hosted in the UK
- Ernest Rutherford discovered how to split the atom at Manchester University
- The first computer with a stored programme and memory- nicknamed 'baby'- was developed at Manchester University
- The first professional football league was set up in the Royal Hotel, Manchester
Professor S Goater from the Moss Side campus of the University of Get The F*** In successfully proved the 'Gary Neville Is A Blue' theory. More watched it on TV than the alleged moon landing
The Arndale Aldi is the busiest in the world. The Tesco Metro on Market St is the busiest outside L**don, and the newsagent on Beech Rd in Chorlton sells more copies of the Guardian than anywhere outside Ldn, retail trivia fans.
Swales lives said:
The University of Manchester (the proper one, not the old Poly)
is the 4th best in the UK and 40th in the world. FACT.

Hoping to improve too over the next few years

(I work there, they are pouring a lot of energy into getting into the top 25 in world)

Really nice uni
BlueSam said:
Swales lives said:
The University of Manchester (the proper one, not the old Poly)
is the 4th best in the UK and 40th in the world. FACT.

Hoping to improve too over the next few years

(I work there, they are pouring a lot of energy into getting into the top 25 in world)

Really nice uni

My missus is in her 3rd yr there, she really rates it. Some fantastic guest lecturers.
Manchester introduced the weekend to the world.

The workers used to have to work 7 days a week until the people of manchester put pressure on the bosses and the weekend was introduced and slowly adopted around the world.
Ed68 said:
Manchester introduced the weekend to the world.

The workers used to have to work 7 days a week until the people of manchester put pressure on the bosses and the weekend was introduced and slowly adopted around the world.

Hmm this a good thing or a bad thing, did weekends class as over time?
DirtyHarry said:
Think Manchester was pretty instrumental with regards the Anti-Slavery movement too.
Correct, as 'Cottonopolis', we refused to deal in slave trade cotton. In recognition of that, we have the Lincoln statue on Brazennose Street, as a thanks from the US of A! Nobody else got this.

The message commemorates '...the support that the working people of Manchester gave in their fight for the abolition of slavery during the American Civil War.

'By supporting the union under President Lincoln at a time when there was an economic blockade of the southern states the Lancashire cotton workers were denied access to raw cotton which caused considerable unemployment throughout the cotton industry'.

Extracts from Lincoln's letter to the working people of Manchester, thanking them for their help, are reproduced around the plinth.

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