Manchester FACTS

Swales lives said:
The University of Manchester (the proper one, not the old Poly)
is the 4th best in the UK and 40th in the world. FACT.

According to the 2010 list it is 24th in the UK
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... yguide.php</a>
Prestwich_Blue said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
None taken.
Oh,and your comma should have come after "Fetlocks" and not "but".
I know you are a stickler for such things.
No comma needed at all actually. You could use comma INSTEAD of the preposition (Sorry Mr. Fetlocks, this is funny) and you would also use a comma in front of the preposition if it was a long sentence and the phrases either side of could stand as an independent sentence. However "Sorry Mr. Fetlocks.." is not an independent sentence therefore no comma.

Not your day is it mate?

Oh dear, he really has got another spanking today! Without his bezzie TMQ to leap to his defence he is nothing!

just to redress the balance,manchester as a large conurbation grew as a direct result of the slave trade,the damp climate ideal for cotton spinning,which was harvested by slaves.The heavy engineering industry grew from producing bigger and faster machines and power generators to meet the demand,and the railways had major factories in east manchester,the coal industry grew to provide the fuel. The industrial revolution produced the highest child mortality in europe,the so-called trickle-down of wealth proving to be just a glib phrase.manchester and glasgow tied for first place in the slum stakes. We did have the first NHS hospital, in davyhulme,paid for by the yanks to service their giant base at Burtonwood,and the suffragette movement had its base here.The Christie Hospital is a leader in cancer detection and treatment,along with the Holt radium institute.The Ship canal was world-famous at one time providing a port for manchester liners. As long as the country is run by london for london the future of manchester and other northern/midland cities is one of accelerating decline. No doubt steven fry (aka prestwich blue) or mike parry ( bb2) will blame the unions.
bellbuzzer said:
just to redress the balance,manchester as a large conurbation grew as a direct result of the slave trade,the damp climate ideal for cotton spinning,which was harvested by slaves.The heavy engineering industry grew from producing bigger and faster machines and power generators to meet the demand,and the railways had major factories in east manchester,the coal industry grew to provide the fuel. The industrial revolution produced the highest child mortality in europe,the so-called trickle-down of wealth proving to be just a glib phrase.manchester and glasgow tied for first place in the slum stakes. We did have the first NHS hospital, in davyhulme,paid for by the yanks to service their giant base at Burtonwood,and the suffragette movement had its base here.The Christie Hospital is a leader in cancer detection and treatment,along with the Holt radium institute.The Ship canal was world-famous at one time providing a port for manchester liners. As long as the country is run by london for london the future of manchester and other northern/midland cities is one of accelerating decline. No doubt steven fry (aka prestwich blue) or mike parry ( bb2) will blame the unions.

I could not help but notice your location is 'UK.Sadly' I guess you are another spineless lazy git who pisses and moans about this country rather than

a) Getting up off your arse and making a difference


b) Growing a pair and actually fucking off and doing us all a doubt when IF you do ever leave you'll find something to moan about in your new country.
Prestwich_Blue said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
None taken.
Oh,and your comma should have come after "Fetlocks" and not "but".
I know you are a stickler for such things.
No comma needed at all actually. You could use comma INSTEAD of the preposition (Sorry Mr. Fetlocks, this is funny) and you would also use a comma in front of the preposition if it was a long sentence and the phrases either side of could stand as an independent sentence. However "Sorry Mr. Fetlocks.." is not an independent sentence therefore no comma.

Not your day is it mate?

In what way is "Sorry Mr Fetlocks" not an independent sentence?
An independent sentence is a self-contained,complete thought in grammatical terms.
It must contain a noun or noun-phrase and a predicate,that is a verb or adjective that expresses the action or state of being of the subject.
"Mr Fetlocks" in this case is the noun,as a proper name and "Sorry" the predicate.
Therefore the comma after "Fetlocks" is valid.
Manchester, a fantastic history of radicalism, where Frederick Engels wrote `The condition of the working class`. Ahistory of fighting fascism and racism, of accepting people of all faiths and from all parts of the world. Peterloo, the food riots, the ship canal and MCFC.
totallywired said:
Manchester, a fantastic history of radicalism, where Frederick Engels wrote `The condition of the working class`. Ahistory of fighting fascism and racism, of accepting people of all faiths and from all parts of the world. Peterloo, the food riots, the ship canal and MCFC.
Good points. The rags certainly have a history of welcoming people from all over the world and they do food riots. And you need a lot of faith to be a City fan.

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