Manchester thanks Sheikh Mansour.........

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Screw ffp, if it was to be implemented it needed to be done 15 years ago.

I hope we make a damned mockery of it, thats not arrogance its how i feel with regards to the crap that will try to look after europes golden boys of the past 15 years.

Why did it take so long to implement ? dont give me shit about red tape and the likes, if thats the case then UEFA are innept at best with regards to dealing with off field dealings and protocol.

Fuck you UEFA, im sick of these dodering old cunts who have never kicked a ball in their life imposing their views on football with full focus on lining their own silk lined pockets.

Ok i guess a lot of this is aimed at the corrupt cunts at fifa who are well in with this crap, i still hate the fuckers.

I love the fact that our owners have all this tied up and will step around these half arsed rules they can never realisticaly implement. I hope also that these cnuts get told where to get of by our owners when they ask for a brown paper envelope.
I would love to see them hint at a back hander and be fully told where to get of and then squirming because we have more power than the whole corrupt bunch of coffin dodgers.
Of course Agent Bernstein is good though at the FA, namely because he has done genuinly good work with his stand against warner and their ilk since he came to the helm.

I hope you rags are reading this because your only chance of stopping us is bullshit and i love watching you all rage and your vain hope it will stop us, the ffp wont stop us more than a chocolate fireguard would stop a nuke. All other teams also, your forum posts stating we will be stumped by ffp is laughable and you know it.

Long live the Sheikh :D
All salute the sheikh...............

Thank you, if anyone deserved your ownership it US.

TCIB said:
Screw ffp, if it was to be implemented it needed to be done 15 years ago.

I hope we make a damned mockery of it, thats not arrogance its how i feel with regards to the crap that will try to look after europes golden boys of the past 15 years.

Why did it take so long to implement ? dont give me shit about red tape and the likes, if thats the case then UEFA are innept at best with regards to dealing with off field dealings and protocol.

Fuck you UEFA, im sick of these dodering old cunts who have never kicked a ball in their life imposing their views on football with full focus on lining their own silk lined pockets.

Ok i guess a lot of this is aimed at the corrupt cunts at fifa who are well in with this crap, i still hate the fuckers.

I love the fact that our owners have all this tied up and will step around these half arsed rules they can never realisticaly implement. I hope also that these cnuts get told where to get of by our owners when they ask for a brown paper envelope.
I would love to see them hint at a back hander and be fully told where to get of and then squirming because we have more power than the whole corrupt bunch of coffin dodgers.
Of course Agent Bernstein is good though at the FA, namely because he has done genuinly good work with his stand against warner and their ilk since he came to the helm.

I hope you rags are reading this because your only chance of stopping us is bullshit and i love watching you all rage and your vain hope it will stop us, the ffp wont stop us more than a chocolate fireguard would stop a nuke. All other teams also, your forum posts stating we will be stumped by ffp is laughable and you know it.

Long live the Sheikh :D

Ill post a bump with the power of a thousand suns (not the damned paper)

@Balti thankyou kind sir, i copied that gif for future use if you don't mind it made me lol xD

Dunno why but today i have a severe "screw you" attitude to all those that want us to fail. You haterz can woman all you like we are Manchester City and nothing and nobody will dampen our spirits.

This City Is Blue
thank you for the bump Jrb, also love your posts on the ground development.

I sometimes wonder if we truly appreciate the owner that we have, not only has he re-built the team, but shortly he will be re-developing the area around the ground. An incredible investment.
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