Manchester's Characters



Dunno if a thread already exists on this, so apologies if it does, however....

Hit my 20's in 1990 and Manchester was cracking. Always remember 2 mad characters from then:

1) Deaf, mute punk - always after 10p for the bus, be it the Ritz on a Monday night or countless gigs.

2) Seafood Salesman - bloke that traipsed round the boozers in a white apron with a basket selling cockles, whelks and crabsticks at 10:00 at night. He'd walk in and bellow "heeyair voryenny zeevood yair?" (care for any seafood here?) in the most gravelly, ludicrous voice!

Happy days. Wonder where they are now? Hope they are both ok.

What other Manchester characters do you remember? I'm sure lots remember the punk, anyone else remember Seafood Man?
Remember the mute, punk 10p bus man.

Anyone remember shopping trolley woman, who pushed her all her worldly belongings round town all day, before crashing out under the shelter of the old RBS on John Dalton Street?
Dunno if it was the same woman (be surprised if it wasn't) but I do remember a chubby old lady who wore a greasy red coat, had matted silver/black hair who pushed a trolley round. Heartbreaking; there but for the grace of God and all that.
strongbowholic said:
Dunno if it was the same woman (be surprised if it wasn't) but I do remember a chubby old lady who wore a greasy red coat, had matted silver/black hair who pushed a trolley round. Heartbreaking; there but for the grace of God and all that.

That's her. Red coat and matted silver black hair. We used to walk past there for a cab after being out clubbing. She used to always growl at us, until my mate gave her a piece of KFC. She used to let on to us after that!
I'm sure I saw her once with one of those Russian style fur hats on once - an old battered one of course. Made me chuckle (then felt really guilty for doing so!)

Surely someone remembers Seafood Man? I can't have been so pissed and stoned back then to have made him up?

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